11 Tips for Staying Sober This Summer

Summer is a time of many temptations for people in recovery from addiction, and it’s very important that you stay clean and sober this summer!  On one hand, it seems as though summer would be an easy time to stay away from drugs and alcohol, since there is so much to do.  However and unfortunately, partying of this nature often seems to go hand in hand with so many summer activities.   Events like baseball games, camping, barbeques, and vacations often involve alcohol – and lots of it.  Further, there are so many celebrations to attend in the summertime.  Graduation parties often kick off the season, and are soon followed by Memorial Day parties, Fourth of July barbeques, and other parties of all kinds, eventually leading up to and culminating in Labor Day weekend events.  Each of these parties and events will likely include alcohol among their offerings, and depending on your crowd, other things too.  So, how can you stay sober this summer, especially if you are new to recovery?  Read on for motivational benefits of staying clean, and tips on how to make it work for you, while still making the most of the most exciting season of the year.

Benefits of Staying Sober This Summer

It’s always good to remember why you quit drugs and alcohol when you want to motivate yourself to continue on the straight and narrow.  Certainly, these substances took you down a very dark path, and as someone in recovery you are fully aware of the many ways your life has improved since you got help.  However, this summer, think about the following things before, during, and after your exposure to others’ consumption of the things from which you broke free.

Tips for a Sober Summer

Unfortunately, relapse rates from drug treatment are often quite high – and although there is no way to track them exactly, as most people do not report a relapse, it’s believed that the rate of relapse is between 40-60%.   However, that also means that between 40-60% of people don’t relapse, and with the right planning, strategies, and resolve, you can ensure that you are counted in the positive side of that equation.  Here are some tips to help you stay clean and sober all summer!

With the right plans and good strategies, you can stay clean and sober this summer!  Just plan ahead, be ready for anything, and make the choices you know are right.  Be honest with yourself and seek help and support when you need it.  You can do it!

At Transcend Clinic, we are excited to help you to take the first important steps on the road to recovery.  Our ibogaine detox treatment is innovative and effective, and our staff is standing by to support you all the way.  Please call us today; our intake specialists are standing by to answer your questions, and to help you determine if ibogaine is right for you.

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