Ibogaine for Adderall Addiction Treatment

While you can attempt Adderall rehab at home, a medically monitored, professional environment is superior for most patients. Ibogaine ensures you experience no physical symptoms and transforms the mental and emotional recovery process. Addiction experts at Transcend Ibogaine can help with your Adderall detox and create a post-recovery plan.

We believe ibogaine treatment is the best way to quit Adderall and overcome long-term abuse. Although it’s not a permanent solution, it’s the strongest first step toward recovery.

At Transcend Ibogaine Clinic, we can reset your Adderall tolerance in a single session. Ibogaine is highly effective for all amphetamines, and Adderall addiction is mild compared to methamphetamine. Ibogaine is a powerful tool for beating Adderall addiction.

Adderall Addiction Treatment

Adderall, the brand-name prescription drug formulation of dextroamphetamine and amphetamine, is a CNS stimulant. Initially it was introduced by Shire Pharmaceuticals in 1996 in an instant release form. Shire sold Adderall to DuraMed, which was eventually acquired by Teva. While the Adderall formulation is new, it’s a single-entity amphetamine comprised of a combination of very old drugs; amphetamine, dextroamphetamine, and levoamphetamine.

Basically, Adderall is speed, a combination of the dextrorotatory and levorotatory salts of amphetamine; D-amphetamine saccharate, D-amphetamine sulfate, D,L-amphetamine aspartate, and D,L-amphetamine sulfate in slow and extended release forms.

Doctors prescribe Adderall to manage attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. For those people who require Adderall to manage those conditions, it is an effective prescription stimulant, allowing users to stay focused and alert.


Unfortunately, Adderall has also become a popular drug of abuse, especially among students. Often sold on the black market, Adderall can be found under various street names, including “black beauties,” “beans,” “pep pills,” “dexies,” “speed,” and “uppers.” People recreationally abuse Adderall because at high doses it acts a lot like other illicit stimulants, cocaine and methamphetamine, producing that euphoric high that stimulant users crave.

Almost 14 million monthly prescriptions were written for Adderall, to Americans between the ages of 20 – 39, in 2011. This is a greater than 2.5 fold increase over the 5.6 million scripts written just 4 years earlier.

The reason for Adderall’s popularity probably has something to do with the fact that it works. Period. Amphetamines increase cortical network efficiency and result in higher than average performance in activities related to memory retention and task saliency. It’s a great study aid, and a very common crutch for college students and information workers, that enables powering through boring or lengthy tasks. It’s one of the current “miracle drugs” in the cognitive enhancement category.

As with most drugs that are used on a regular basis, the primary problem with continued use of Adderall is that tolerance develops. Upon initial use, 10mg is often sufficient to take someone through a solid 4-6 hours of being “in the zone,” and experiencing much greater than average focus and mental acuity. But… keep taking Adderall every day and eventually you end up needing 80mg just to get out of bed in the morning.

There are numerous ways to cycle Adderall off and on with other complementary molecules like Modafinil (Provigil), as well as Memantine and Selegiline to keep tolerance in check; but quite often after years of continued use, people find their tolerance is still extremely high and no matter what methodology you utilize for dosing, Adderall is no longer working for you.

Adderall tolerance and Adderall dependence are fairly common among people who abuse Adderall with any regularity. Unfortunately, once a user has developed a physiological Adderall dependence, stopping the drug abuse can produce Adderall withdrawal syndrome, a kind of amphetamine withdrawal. Going through Adderall detox can be a challenge, and just like any other kind of stimulant withdrawal, the process includes a syndrome of negative symptoms that occur upon cessation or significant reduction of the dose.

Adderall withdrawal is not dangerous per se. However, as with any stimulant withdrawal, Adderall withdrawal symptoms can vary in number, duration, and intensity from person to person. Many of them are psychological, meaning that while they are not physical, they present very real mental and emotional challenges for the recovering addict. However, there is no question that Adderall withdrawal poses far fewer risks than does ongoing abuse.

Furthermore, although it may not pose as many physical risks as some kinds of withdrawal, Adderall detox is neither easy or totally safe without the right kind of support and medical supervision. Even when used as directed, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) points out that Adderall can cause “extreme psychological dependence.” Whether it was prescribed to you or not, during Adderall withdrawal, you are likely to experience mild to severe bouts of anxiety, depression, and drug cravings.

It’s easy to dismiss psychological symptoms of withdrawal; aren’t they “just” in your head? However, for people struggling with addiction, the psychological symptoms can be the most difficult symptoms to overcome. Other Adderall detox symptoms include anhedonia (loss of interest in pleasurable activities), anxiety, depression, drug cravings, extreme fatigue, hunger, patterns of insomnia and hypersomnia, intense and vivid drug-related dreams, sleep disturbances, and memory impairment.

These acute symptoms of Adderall withdrawal typically resolve within two weeks. However, the acute Adderall withdrawal period may be followed by a post-acute withdrawal syndrome (also called PAWS or protracted withdrawal). PAWS withdrawal symptoms may last for months or even years after the drug has left the body.

Relax in a Beautiful, Luxurious Environment and Reset your Tolerance

While Adderall rehab is possible at home, the supportive, knowledgeable, and safe environment of a medically monitored, professional environment is superior for most patients. With the help of ibogaine you can be sure you experience no physical symptoms and transform the way you experience the mental and emotional process. Addiction science experts at Transcend Clinic can assist you with your Adderall detox and help you make a plan for after your recovery—something too often ignored.

Based on our years of experience, we honestly believe that the ibogaine treatment is the best way to get off Adderall and overcome even a longterm pattern of abuse. And while ibogaine Adderall detox is not a standalone permanent treatment for addiction, it is certainly the strongest first stabilizing step you can take toward recovery.

At Transcend Clinic we can reset your tolerance to Adderall in a single ibogaine session. Ibogaine is extraordinarily effective for all forms of amphetamines, and Adderall is an extremely mild addiction when compared to something like methamphetamine. For beating Adderall addiction, ibogaine is an incredibly powerful tool.

End Your Adderall Addiction Now

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