Noribogaine – Ibogaine’s Metabolite

What is Noribogaine?

During the 1990s when Dr. Deborah Mash from the University of Miami’s, Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine (UMMSM), was performing the first pharmacokinetic and drug metabolism testing of ibogaine, one of the questions that needed to be answered was how could a single dose of ibogaine completely reset a drug-dependent patient’s tolerance, and then continue working for — seemingly — months of time, alleviating cravings and staving off post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS).

Within the context of what we knew at the time, ibogaine’s mode of action didn’t seem to make any sense; if a single dose of ibogaine continued to work for months of time, Mash’s group of researchers theorized that some sort of long-acting metabolite which sticks around in the body for an extended period of time, had to be present.

Dr. Mash’s team discovered that after first-pass metabolism by the liver, ibogaine was converted to m1 (metabolite 1), eventually identified as 12-hydroxyibogamine (noribogaine). Depending on how you want to view it, noribogaine is a metabolite of ibogaine, or ibogaine is a prodrug for noribogaine. Either way, the end result is the same: the ibogaine molecule itself has a very short half-life in blood, lasting only about an hour, and reaching a peak concentration within 2-4 hours (during the often intense visualization phase of ibogaine treatment). Noribogaine sticks around much longer, noribogaine half-life is 28-49 h in plasma, and acts as an extremely potent serotonin reuptake inhibitor, in effect acting like a super-sticky, long-acting form of Prozac® (without affecting dopamine reuptake).

Noribogaine Research

Studies analyzing noribogaine’s efficacy in the treatment of a variety of medical conditions, including drug-dependence disorders, began in the late 1990s and are presently ongoing. Results to date are extremely positive and it appears that noribogaine shares many of the same anti-addictive and therapeutic qualities as ibogaine. Subjects dosed with noribogaine decrease self-administration of opioids, cocaine, and alcohol, while levels of GDNF (Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor) increase. GDNF has neuroprotective properties within the brain and stimulates neuronal growth.

While noribogaine is not yet available as a prescription medication within the United States or elsewhere, the results to date offer tremendous hope to the countless drug-dependent individuals whose lives could be significantly improved with access to a better spectrum of pharmacotherapeutic medicines for addiction treatment.

Long-term Effects of Noribogaine

After ibogaine treatment has taken place, noribogaine appears to stay in the body for a period of roughly 1-4 months; acting as a highly effective antidepressant that elevates mood, alleviates cravings, and staves off post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS). This is the mythical “window of opportunity” that ibogaine can provide, where everything feels like it’s possible and within reach. It’s extremely important to make use of this time to the best of your ability to do so.

Aftercare is essential to maximizing the benefits of ibogaine treatment, and significantly improving your chances of a positive outcome, if moving away from addictive drugs is your overall goal.

Ibogaine provides an extremely effective and gentle detox, while its long-acting metabolite noribogaine, continues working for several months post-ibogaine treatment and greatly increases your chances at success. However, ibogaine treatment in and of itself, cannot completely change your life, you need to do some of the groundwork for laying a new foundation for your existence.

Why Choose Transcend Clinic?

Transcend Clinic is the world’s first medically-based ibogaine clinic. We’ve evolved our programs and treatment protocols over years of time to create the perfect atmosphere for holistic recovery, allowing the mind, body, and spirit to reintegrate into a healthy whole. We have been afforded an incredible and humbling honor and privilege: the close study of one of the world’s most astounding natural compounds, and the ability to share it with those who are most in need of healing. This awareness imbues every part of our culture here at Transcend Clinic, we are here to share effective, medically-based ibogaine treatment that is safe and affordable. If you’re open with us about your intentions and honest about the specifics of the situation that has brought you to us, we can help you; even in our complex world it really is that simple.

In all of history, the FDA has only allowed one research team to test ibogaine’s clinical effects on drug-dependent humans, led by Dr. Deborah Mash. Our team was created by pioneers in ibogaine treatment, and since our inception we have remained on the cutting edge of addiction treatment, while always making the safety and comfort of our guests, our top priority. Our program is built on the solid bedrock of decades of scientific and medical research, and implemented by caring health professionals who understand what you’re going through and are here to help you achieve your goals. Combined together our team has over 94 years of ibogaine treatment experience (and counting), alongside over 3,700 individual ibogaine treatment episodes that collectively inform every decision we make.

Are you ready for a new way to overcome addiction? A new tool to help you feel, think, and live the way you want to live? Transcend Clinic offers that opportunity to anyone who is willing to be honest about their situation, and takes the first, open step toward a new life. Contact us today to learn how recovering in comfort and safety is a realistic, affordable option for you.

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