How A Good Bedtime Routine can Help While in Recovery

Although the word routine has in some ways become synonymous with boring, the fact of the matter is that routine is important, and is helpful to us in so many ways.  Developing routines for different parts of your day can be a great tool to you in recovery.   Not only do routines help to keep you on track in your life and in your recovery from addiction, but they will also help you achieve a great deal, and accomplish much.  When followed consistently, routines can guide you towards success in any area.

Recently, we posted about creating a morning routine around healthy habits that can help you start your day out right, but an evening, or before bed routine, can be just as advantageous and can further push you towards continued freedom from drugs or alcohol.

How and Why A Bedtime Routine Helps

There are lots of reasons establishing a bedtime routine can improve your life and the quality of your sleep.   First of all, part of your routine should include reflecting on the day you’ve had and planning for the next day ahead.  These simple practices will help evaluate the successes you’ve had and will help clear and organize your mind about the tasks that need to be completed tomorrow.  In doing this, you help to calm down your active mind before lying down in bed.  Further, over the course of a busy day, we rarely have time to stop and think.  Giving yourself time to unwind and just sit quietly to think about things will keep our minds from racing the moment we close our eyes to rest.  And, creating a routine that you follow nightly can help to serve as a signal to your body that its time to go to sleep.  Once you start working your way through your evening ritual, your body will automatically get the message that rest is coming soon.

Early Preparation for Bedtime

So many of the things we do in the evenings can be over stimulating.  Watching television, surfing the internet (especially social media), chatting on the phone, eating sugary snacks, and rushing around to try to get things done are all things that set us up for sleep failure before we’ve even turned out the light.  By avoiding these things in the hours leading up to bedtime, you will find you fall asleep more rapidly and in the morning you will find that you had more restful sleep, too.  Here are some tips regarding when to stop doing certain activities to ensure a better night of sleep.

Just Before Bed

When developing an evening routine, you may want to consider incorporating some of all of the following practices.  You may have to play around with them a bit to determine which of them works best for you.  Also, the amount of time you want to spend is a factor; if you have limited time available, a mere fifteen minutes or so may do the trick, but if you have more time, such as an hour, you might benefit from an extended routine.  Further, once you have chosen specific practices, try to do them in the same order each night.  A true routine involves repetition, and it’s once you get into the groove that you will likely experience the most results.

A bedtime routine can change your life.  Getting yourself properly prepared for rest is important.  It can help you sleep better, and in turn, help you have a more successful day tomorrow.  Try the tips in this post and see what works best for you.  What works for each individual is likely different, but with commitment and consistency, you will soon find that you are going to bed calmer, and more ready for sleep.

At Transcend Clinic, we want to help you break free from the chains of addiction so that you can begin to move more successfully towards the person you were always meant to be.   Please contact us today to find out more about ibogaine detox, our facility in Cancun, Mexico, and the ways in which we can help you in your unique and personalized situation.  We are here for you, and our intake specialists are standing by to take your call to answer any questions you may have.   Please reach out to us today.

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