Celebrating Others’ Anniversaries

We recently posted about how important it is to celebrate your clean and sober anniversary date every year and the ways people can do so in a healthy and productive way, obviously without drugs or alcohol.  The day someone got sober is an amazing day in their life, a turning point, and it deserves recognition […]

Robert Downey, Jr. and Drug Addiction

Robert Downey, Jr. is an actor who is known by all, which is not surprising because, over the course of his career, he has done it all. His listing on Internet Movie Database indicates that he has been an actor in ninety different productions since 1970, and he currently has three more in the works. […]

Purdue Pharma Settlement

In a somewhat surprising turn of events, Purdue Pharma plead guilty to criminal charges this week for their reckless marketing of the drug OxyContin which many view as a primary cause of the devastating opioid epidemic in the United States. They also agreed to pay $8.34 billion and will close the company. This is big […]

Addiction Recovery, the Immune System & Covid-19

As someone in recovery from addiction, it will probably not surprise you to learn that active addiction can greatly negatively affect an individual’s immune system. Not only that, but even after a person gets clean and sober, he or she will likely experience a weakened immune system for years. These are unfortunate truths and in […]

Jamie Lee Curtis

Actress Jamie Lee Curtis has had a pretty easy life and she had a smooth rise to fame. She is an excellent artist in her own right, but the fact that she was born to two Hollywood greats – Janet Leigh and Tony Curtis – certainly gave her a boost along the way. She has […]

Dock Ellis and his Drug Use

Dock Ellis died in 2008 in Los Angeles, but this baseball player lived an incredible life and has a very amazing story. Although Ellis is perhaps best well known for throwing a no-hitter under the influence of LSD in 1970, he later quit baseball in 1980, entered addiction treatment, got clean and sober, and spent […]

National Recovery Month

National Recovery Month. This observance began in 1989 to recognize the achievements of those who have successfully broken free from addiction to drugs and alcohol. Further, it aims to recognize the hard work of people who work in the field of addiction recovery and to educate the public about the recovery process and the fact […]

Recovery High Schools

Every year, the National Institute on Drug Abuse conducts a survey of 8th, 10th, and 12th graders nationwide. It’s called the Monitoring the Future Survey. This survey has been very helpful in allowing doctors, researchers, law enforcement, mental health providers, and drug abuse services providers to view trends in drug and alcohol consumption and abuse […]

Al-Anon and Alateen

When it comes to addiction and addiction recovery these days, the focus seems to be on opioids and opioid abuse disorders. This is not surprising.  The opioid epidemic is immense and has taken many lives; it continues to do so as it grows, and therefore it is fitting that the abuse of this particular class […]

Sesame Street & the Opioid Epidemic

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, drug use in the United States has been increasing. In a 2013 study by this government organization, an estimated 24.6 million Americans aged 12 or old had used an illicit drug in the previous month. That’s 9.4% of our country’s population and is an increase from 8.3% […]

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