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Stephen King and Addiction

Author Stephen King’s chilling tales are well-known not only in the United States but around the world as well. Due to the fact that so many of his books have been turned into movies, even people who do not read frequently are even familiar with his work, and nearly everyone can name one or two […]

Keeping your Goals for 2020

2020 is here!  When a new year rolls around, many people are inspired to reflect on the old year and look ahead to the new one. In following tradition, some people also choose to make resolutions, or plan for specific changes they wish to make to their life in the coming year. Unfortunately, according to […]

Setting Intentions for the New Year

If you have ever taken a yoga class or participated in a meditation session, then the instructor or leader may have asked you to set an intention before you began. It is not required, but it is a good idea to set an intention before beginning either of these practices, and it might also be […]

Emotional Wellness in Addiction Recovery

            Awareness and cultivation of your emotional wellness is vital in recovery.  Whether you are just starting out on your recovery journey or are years along the path, staying emotionally well can support and bolster your efforts and can help to keep you clean and sober now and in the future.  Emotional wellness does include […]

The Dangers of HALT

                One of the most important acronyms to know in recovery is HALT. HALT is not good. HALT is something you want to avoid. HALT will trip you up, tempt you, trigger you, and if you’re not careful, can lead you right down the path to a full-blown relapse.             However, thankfully, HALT is something […]

Drug Addiction and Long-Term Rehab Statistics

For people mired in drug addiction, entering a rehab facility can seem like the final step in turning their lives around. However, while the decision to seek treatment for substance use disorder is a major one, it is one step in a lifelong journey of recovery and sobriety. Addiction does not have a “cure”; rather […]

How Long-Term Drug Addiction Affects the Body

Drug addiction is a chronic disease that can destroy everything in its path. Different types of drugs can have different psychological and physiological effects, but here is a general rundown of the serious impact of long-term drug addiction.    

Substance Abuse and Depression: How to Treat These Linked Disorders

Substance abuse is difficult enough to deal with on its own, but it is even tougher if you add depression to the mix. Unfortunately, the two go hand in hand more frequently than you may think—according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, roughly 20% of people with a substance abuse problem also have […]

How to Stay Focused on Your Goals in Recovery

Setting, pursuing, and reaching goals we’ve set for ourselves is an important part of life. It’s through goal setting that we grow as individuals and progress as human beings. Life can be lived without setting goals, certainly, but life can be lived much more fully when we incorporate goals into our daily and overall lives. […]

How to Find Courage in Recovery

            One of the most important personal traits to possess and develop for success on your recovery journey is courage. This seems like common sense, but isn’t courage something you simply have or lack? When asked if they are courageous, most people will be unsure of how to respond.  Some may feel that they are […]

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