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Essential Life Skills for Adults in Recovery

It’s likely that while you were deep in the grip of your addiction that you weren’t always being the best, most responsible, and pleasant adult, citizen, friend, and human that you could be.  Drug and alcohol use can stunt your growth in more than just the physical realm, and if you started using when you […]

Does Hypnosis work for Drug Addiction?

            When you think of hypnosis, what comes to mind? Do you picture a snake-oil salesman beckoning in passersby at a carnival?  Do you imagine a parlor trick that makes a participant bark like a dog and then remember nothing of it afterwards?  Do you think of an old movie you once saw that was […]

12 Truths for Parents of Addicts

Watching a loved one suffer from addiction can be excruciating no matter what the relationship, but it can be especially difficult and unbearable if the addict is your child. Whether your child is a teenager, a young adult, or an older adult, if alcohol or drugs has appeared to have taken over the little boy […]

How to Increase Hope in Addiction Recovery

            Hope is, without a doubt, an integral piece of the addiction recovery process. Many if not most people experiencing addiction to drugs or alcohol eventually find themselves without hope somewhere down the road, but luckily, it is something that can again be found, can be cultivated, and can be used to one’s advantage to […]

Social Anxiety Disorder and Alcohol Abuse

For most people, a party is an excuse to have a good time, hanging out with old friends and meeting new people in a lively atmosphere. But if you have social anxiety, parties can trigger fear and alarm—being in a confined space with lots of people is the last place you want to be. To […]

Addiction Recovery: Introverts vs. Extroverts

The terms “introvert” and “extrovert” are rather commonly used today when describing ourselves or the personalities of others, and most people know what each term implies.  Psychologist Carl Jung first used these words when conducting a study of psychological theory, although their meanings have evolved a bit over time through more commonplace, non-clinical usage. Although […]

Drug Prevention Tips for Children and Adolescents

            The best way to avoid becoming addicted to drugs and alcohol is to never start using them in the first place.  This is inarguable and indisputable, yet most people do try one or both in their lifetimes.  In some cases, the consumption of drugs and alcohol comes far too early in one’s life, and […]

Can CBD Treat Opioid Addiction?

            An exciting new study adds opioid addiction to the long list of conditions that can be treated using CBD. CBD is a compound that exists within the cannabis sativa plant, but unlike it’s more well known sibling, THC, it does not get the user high, it is non-addictive, and it has no psychotropic properties. […]

6 Substance Abuse Group Topics for Discussion

The prospect of group therapy may sound intimidating to some people. Digging into the personal issues underlying their substance abuse can require in-depth examination into things that aren’t necessarily pretty, and that can be scary—especially when they are doing it in a group of other people. But group therapy for substance abuse can have great […]

5 Strategies for Addressing Youth Suicide

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, but it is a topic that should be discussed year-round, especially when it comes to how to address youth suicide.  Oftentimes, we find it hard to talk about suicide with teens and tweens, and this health observance is a way to counteract that, so young people can realize that […]

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