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The Ultimate Guide to the Negative Effects of Drugs and Alcohol

  Are you aware of all the negative effects that using drugs and alcohol has on your body, mind, and life? Here is a breakdown of those negative effects: Generic Negative Physical Effects (these come with many kinds of drug or alcohol abuse) Cardiovascular disease Cognitive impairment Cold sweats Convulsions Dependence Dilated pupils Dry mouth […]

Summer Hacks for a More Enjoyable and Healthier Life

Summer is in full swing! A happier and healthier self can certainly improve your recovery process, but a general sense of wellbeing is also worth having, in and of itself. Here are some summer hacks for a more enjoyable and healthier life—something we all want. Do more, consume less Yes, it’s less glamorous, but it’s […]

Discover How Visualization Can Help You Reach Recovery

Developing a visualization practice can do great things for you in recovery and in life, and it’s something you should consider practicing daily to help you to move forward on your path to a successful future of staying clean and sober.  The concept is so simple: regularly picture yourself clean, sober, and healthy, and results […]

Living With a Recovering Addict: Avoiding Triggers

Living with a recovering addict isn’t easy. There are challenges for people in this situation that no one thinks about until they are there, experiencing it for themselves. Unfortunately, because you’re not in the shoes of the person in recovery, even the best intentions can’t help you navigate the situation without mistakes. That’s partly because […]

11 Tips for Staying Sober This Summer

Summer is a time of many temptations for people in recovery from addiction, and it’s very important that you stay clean and sober this summer!  On one hand, it seems as though summer would be an easy time to stay away from drugs and alcohol, since there is so much to do.  However and unfortunately, […]

Fun Fourth of July Activities for Recovering Addicts

We all know that the Fourth of July is a holiday that gives people who party a chance to go crazy. And why not; we’re celebrating the independence of our nation. Still, you don’t need to drink or use drugs to celebrate and have a great time. In fact, recovering addicts may find that staying […]

How Positive Thinking Helps You During Your Recovery Journey

Positive thinking can do wonders for your life, and for your recovery, too.  Although the concept of creating changes in your life just by changing your thinking may seem so simple that it must be impossible, it really does work!  Positive thinking is about much more than being upbeat or displaying an upbeat attitude.   Keeping […]

What is Harm Reduction? How Does it Affect the World of Drug Use?

Harm reduction may be a term you haven’t heard before, but you very likely have heard of one or more of its associated practices.  Harm reduction can be defined as “a set of practical strategies aimed at reducing negative consequences associated with drug use,” and is also “a movement for social justice built on a […]

10 Great Podcasts for Recovery – Supportive Interviews, Speeches, Stories

Podcasts are taking over!  Over the past decade, these on-demand radio shows have grown in popularity, and today, there are podcasts available on every topic imaginable.  It makes sense, then, that there are a wide variety of podcasts about recovery and about staying clean and sober.  Through interviews, motivational speeches, stories, tips, and supportive dialogue […]

Support Groups Vs. Group Therapy: Which is Best For You?

Many people think support groups and group therapy are the same thing, but other than including the word “group,” they are actually quite different.  While both (or neither) may be just what you need to support and move forward on your recovery, it’s important to know the differences between these two things in order to […]

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