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Iboga Sustainability and cGMP Ibogaine

It’s 2018 at the time of this article.  Due to the acts of humans, the Earth has changed very quickly in a very short time – particularly in the realm of nature and our environment.  We have been very lucky to have found iboga, and discovered its applications for transformation and addiction recovery, and ibogaine […]

Natural Treatments for Depression

Depression and addiction often go hand in hand.  Many times, people who are afflicted with one of these conditions are also suffering from the other as well.  Both problems are treatable, and you can return to a happy and healthy drug-free lifestyle if you are armed with the right information and the right support.  However, […]

What is Equine Therapy? The History of Equine Therapy

Who doesn’t like horses?  Have you ever met someone who doesn’t?  There certainly may be people out there who have a negative opinion of horses and ponies, but that sentiment is likely quite rare.  Even if you have never had any direct, personal experience with horses, you probably recognize and revere their grace and beauty. […]

What is Neurofeedback and Can it Help With My Recovery?

Neurofeedback, also known as neurotherapy or neurobiofeedback, is a branch of biofeedback that measures brain activity in real time, which is directly observed by the patient, who then works to self-regulate that activity for specific results.  Although some medical professionals don’t believe it has effective and lasting benefits, others swear by it.  How does it […]

7 Tips For Parents on Prom Night to Keep Your Child Safe

Prom night is a big night in many teens’ lives.   For some, it is the first time they have ever attended a formal event.  The prom is anticipated for months if not years in advance.  Dresses are bought, tuxes are rented, cars are borrowed and washed or limos are chartered, hair is done, corsages are […]

Summer Activities for Recovering Addicts

If you’re still getting used to recovery or just find summer a tough season to get through, don’t worry. We’ve got a whole list of great activities to help you breeze through the sunny days without the typical partying out of control. These sober summer activities for recovering addicts are certain to keep you happy […]

How Going Outdoors Can Help You Through Recovery

It’s spring!  Flowers are blooming, snow is melting, rain showers are falling, birds are chirping, and the sun is shining.  This is the time of year where those of us who live in cooler winter climates finally begin to emerge from our shells, break free from our hibernation, and step outside our homes to engage […]

How Employers Can Improve the Workplace for a Recovering Addict

Hear us out for a moment: there are many ways employers can improve the workplace for a recovering addict—and many reasons that it’s worth doing. Substance abuse and addiction can cost any workplace a lot. Employees who use illicit drugs, drink heavily, or abuses prescription medications are more likely to make mistakes or be injured […]

President Trump’s Plan to Fight and Prevent Opioid Addiction

United States’ President Donald Trump recently announced a new plan to fight opioid abuse and addiction in this country.   As nearly everyone knows, there is a major opioid epidemic in the United States today, and something needs to be done to stop it – and fast.  According to current statistics, 115 people die from opioid […]

Learn How Pranayama Can Help You Through Recovery

Have you heard of pranayama?   This centuries-old practice can be a great help to you on your recovery journey.   It’s so simple, and you can do it almost anywhere, at any time. The tools that you need to participate are things you have with you always, and immediately upon practice, you will feel relaxed, grounded, […]

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