How to Stay Positive While Recovering From Addiction
Now that you have completed treatment and have been discharged, you are excited about your new and healthy life, and are likely feeling extremely hopeful, and positive, too. And you should! You sought help for your drug or alcohol addiction, and you are now clean and sober. You have much support available to you, and […]
Ibogaine for Nicotine Addiction
As the end of the year approaches, many of us are thinking of resolutions and ways we’d like to improve ourselves and our lives in the new year. It’s no surprise that smoking, and quitting the habit, comes to mind frequently. However, millions of people have tried to quit smoking, an incredibly addictive habit, many […]
How to Create a Self Care Plan for Recovering Drug Addicts
It’s very important to take care of yourself now that you are clean and sober and working hard on your recovery. Focusing on yourself, especially in early recovery, can be vital to your success. Recovering from addiction is hard work; it takes a lot of mental focus, it can be emotionally and physically draining, and […]
How to Pick the Perfect Treatment Center
Choosing the ideal recovery center isn’t easy; in fact, it may well be one of the most important decisions you ever make. It’s not a matter of just finding whichever treatment center is closest to you, or choosing a random listing you find from Googling “best recovery facilities.” Getting this particular decision right can make […]
How Keeping an Addiction Journal Can Help with Recovery
Getting thoughts on paper through journaling can be a big help to anyone, particularly anyone going through a challenging or inspiring time in their lives. People who are in recovery, in particular, can benefit from keeping a journal in many ways, and it can help keep them on the clean and healthy path to a […]
Why a Good Night’s Sleep is Crucial When Recovering From Addiction
Insomnia or irregular sleep is common in early addiction recovery, and unfortunately, lack of proper sleep can be a major trigger that can quickly lead to relapse if left unaddressed. A study published in the October/November issue of the Journal of Addiction Medicine found that the frequency of insomnia is five times higher in people […]
How to Deal With Anxiety While in Recovery
Reoccurring or constant feelings of anxiety can be difficult for anyone, but for someone in recovery, they can also be dangerous. This type of stress can be a trigger for relapse, so as someone in recovery, you can’t simply ignore it and hope it goes away. In fact, ignoring it can make it even worse, […]
Volunteering While Recovering From Addiction – Is It Right For You?
Volunteering is a great way to spend your time, whether you’re in recovery or not! There are so many organizations that depend on volunteers and can benefit greatly from your time and efforts, and in turn, you will be helping yourself as well. According to the National Corporation for National and Community Service, 62.6 million […]
How Recovering Addicts Can Rebuild Relations
Chances are, while you were deeply involved in substance abuse and were battling your addiction, you burned some bridges and destroyed some relationships that were important to you. People you loved may have become upset with you, and perhaps mostly gave up on you during this time period; after many attempts at helping you, it […]
Art Therapy and Addiction Treatment
Art therapy can be a wonderful addition to other features of treatment for anyone working on their recovery. Along with things like individual therapy, group therapy, family counseling, twelve step meetings, and other core services, therapy that includes artistic expression has been shown to help people that are working on moving away from their addiction […]