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Ibogaine Treatment Preparation and AfterCare

Ibogaine Treatment Preparation Having made the decision to obtain ibogaine treatment for your drug dependence issue is a huge step. Many of our patients fall into the category of being considered “chronic relapsers” who have not had success utilizing more conventional and mainstream drug treatment programs. Making the commitment to trying an ibogaine treatment program […]

Ibogaine Treatment for Prescription Pills

Ibogaine Treatment for Prescription Pills Ibogaine treatment provides a remarkably effective detoxification from numerous street drugs such as heroin, methamphetamine, and crack cocaine. Ibogaine is often used as a “last-chance” treatment by individuals who have experienced repeated failure in their attempt to get off drugs they’re addicted to, by utilizing more conventional drug treatment methodologies. […]

Ibogaine Treatment and Hormonal Replacement Therapy

Most people who are living in a state of active addiction tend to let everything else in their lives go by the wayside. Bit by bit, everything else except their state of active addiction becomes de-prioritized. By the time a drug-dependent individual has entered an ibogaine detox program, it’s usually the last-chance, tail-end of years […]

Group Support after Ibogaine Treatment

Group Support after Ibogaine Treatment Ibogaine treatment is an extremely significant and life changing event for most people whose journey to recovery has brought them to ibogaine. While ibogaine is very consistent in terms of providing an effective detoxification from most drugs, and provides an extended window of opportunity wherein ibogaine’s metabolite noribogaine is present […]

The Difference between Helping and Enabling

Helping or Harming? There’s a near-endless list of items that drug dependent individuals should be able to handle on their own. These are life situations and problems that most people learn to deal with at a relatively early age. It’s usually part of the normal process of growing up and gaining some level of maturity. […]

Ibogaine Treatment for Dual Diagnosis

Ibogaine Treatment & Dual Diagnosis Dual diagnosis is a term for patients who are both drug dependent and dealing with a co-occurring mental disorder. Dual diagnosis is a very broad category that encompasses a wide spectrum of comorbid conditions spanning the range from relatively mild depression, to severe bipolar disorder or PTSD. Research shows that […]

Common Pitfalls to Avoid after Ibogaine Treatment

Ibogaine treatment is exceptionally effective at giving people who may have failed at more conventional detox methods, the opportunity to regain a locus of control and interrupt their addiction. After ibogaine treatment your physical addiction will be reset and you’ll have a window of opportunity to establish the patterns of a new, drug-free existence. After […]

Addiction and Relapse

Addiction and Relapse As of 2016 we still aren’t really sure what “addiction” means. There are many schools of thought regarding recovery from drug dependence, the model currently accepted by the AMA (American Medical Association), views addiction as a complex brain-based disease, which is chronic, progressive, completely irreversible and incurable. In short, the currently accepted […]

Ibogaine Treatment for Veterans

It is impossible to understand addiction without asking what relief the addict finds, or hopes to find, in the drug or the addictive behavior. ― Gabor Maté, In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts Whatever your opinions may be regarding America’s foreign policy, it’s difficult to find any disagreement that the men and women of our […]

Opioid Addiction Statistics: The Opioid Epidemic in America

The current opioid addiction epidemic has been termed the worst drug crisis in American history by a near-endless number of news outlets. Current death-rates from opioid overdoses are killing more people per annum than AIDS did during the height of the HIV/AIDS crisis during the 1990s. Opioid addiction is a major problem for people across […]

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