How Long Does Meth Stay in Your System?

Methamphetamine is a very addictive drug, and many people in our country struggle with methamphetamine dependency. This synthetic central nervous system stimulant may seem fun and harmless to users at first, but it’s one of the most addictive recreational drugs that exist.  According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse’s 2021 National Survey on Drug […]

How to Speak to an Alcoholic About Addiction

Alcohol is the most commonly abused substance in the United States. According to the 2020 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s National Survery on Drug Abuse and Mental Health, 10.2% of people age 12 and over self-reported that they struggle with an alcohol use disorder. This is not surprising.  Alcohol is legal for Americans […]

Vyvanse vs Adderall: What’s the Difference?

Adderall and Vyvanse are very common medications. It’s likely you’ve heard of both of them, and you probably know that they are both prescribed primarily to treat ADHD. Adderall is more common; it’s prescribed five times as often as Vyvanse. Millions of Americans have been diagnosed with ADHD, and about six million of those people […]

Hydrocodone vs Oxycodone – What is the Difference?

It’s likely that you’ve heard of both oxycodone and hydrocodone.  Both of these painkillers are very common and are frequently prescribed for pain. They are both often misused and abused, but they also provide great relief for patients who need them for acute or chronic pain. They are both prescription opioids, and they are both […]

Gabapentin Side Effects, Abuse, Withdrawal and Treatment

Some people have never even heard of the drug gabapentin, but gabapentin abuse is more common than many might think. Although this drug, also known by its brand name, Neurontin, is an anticonvulsant and sedative medication prescribed for several medical issues, including pain, seizure disorders, and mental health concerns, it is often misused by people […]

12 Best Books on Addiction and Recovery

There are countless books out there on drug and alcohol abuse, rehabilitation and recovery, and related topics.  Although everyone’s story and experience is different and not even science can yet begin to understand all of the complicated aspects and facets of addiction and recovery, there has been much research and effort put forth to study […]

Methadone Addiction and Withdrawal

 Methadone Addiction Methadone is a synthetic, long-acting opioid painkiller. It is usually prescribed to people who are already addicted to other opiates, such as heroin, or prescription drugs like Percocet or Oxycontin. When it is used as directed, methadone can effectively replace other opiates. However, it is itself still an opiate and is, therefore, highly […]

How Long Does Vicodin Stay in Your System?

Vicodin is a drug that is often prescribed to treat moderate to severe pain. This medication is created by combining an opioid pain reliever (hydrocodone) with a non-opioid pain reliever (acetaminophen).  Because of the opioid component of this drug, Vicodin is often abused and there is a high risk that dependency on it will develop […]

Gifts for Someone in Recovery from Addiction

The season of giving gifts is coming! This time of year is an exciting one for givers and receivers alike. It’s often just as fun to shop for gifts as it is to give (or receive) them. During the holiday season, people everywhere spend hours, days, or even weeks carefully considering and selecting the perfect […]

Yoga for Recovery: Benefits, Types and Free Classes

Yoga for Recovery Yoga is for EVERYBODY.  Yes, everybody – even you!  Gone are the days of this incredible, centuries-old mind and body enhancer existing only for latte-toting college girls in tight, stretchy pants, or flexible, New Age guys with odd, hippie-sounding names, or inspiring, Indian ascetics dedicated to a life of 24/7 practice and […]

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