Why Conventional Rehab Doesn’t Always Work

Drug and alcohol addiction is overwhelmingly common in this country, but there’s still a stigma that surrounds those who struggle with it. The conventional course for drug treatment is often a rehab program. While some addicts do find success through such a program and subsequent meetings, these methods definitely don’t work for everyone. In many cases, drug and alcohol abuse is so ingrained in an individual’s way of life that sobriety seems nearly impossible to maintain.

For those who suffer from alcohol, heroin, opiate, or cocaine addiction, ibogaine treatment programs offer an opportunity for these individuals to examine the reasons that made them turn to these substances in the first place. Ibogaine therapy will also alleviate detox symptoms and will dramatically reduce the urge to use in the future. Thus, ibogaine treatment programs are very different from traditional rehab settings. While an ibogaine treatment program is not always going to be the right choice for every addict, it’s often a much more powerful tool for overcoming alcohol and drug abuse.

But in order to understand why ibogaine therapy is so effective, we also need to examine the reasons why traditional rehab centers don’t always work. The recovery experience will be different for everyone, but here are some points as to why addicted individuals often continue to struggle post-rehab.

Change is difficult for everyone. When you’re dealing with substances that literally alter how your brain is wired and that impact your ability to make decisions, the idea of living without your drug of choice can seem inconceivable — even if you desperately want to change. That’s especially true if you’re going back into a familiar environment that you associate with your drug or alcohol use. Since over 90% of those who struggle with an addiction began using drugs, alcohol, or cigarettes before they turned 18, those habits are inextricably linked to how they live. Making such a drastic change is terrifying (much more so than continuing to use) and exhausting. If you’re a recovering addict, you have to make the decision each day not to use. Even addicts who have stayed clean for years can slip; once they do, the cycle begins again.

Isolation feeds addiction. When addicts are still in in-patient treatment programs, they may have enough support. But once they’re out on their own, they may not have access to the emotional support they require to stay sober. This usually increases the risk of relapse, especially if they’re put back into familiar situations and maintain unhealthy relationships. Loved ones may also enable their old behaviors without realizing it. While some recovering addicts do find solace in 12-step programs, they don’t always work for everyone. Addicts may feel alone and powerless to battle their addiction without help. This will often culminate in a never-ending cycle of sobriety and relapse. Even if they have people who care about their well-being, it may not be enough to overcome this cycle.

While it’s true that many addicted individuals crave a sense of connection and belonging, the traditional 12-step program is often too rigid and bleak for a lot of people. They aren’t always effective, especially for those who aren’t religious or want a solution that’s more customized. And feeling tethered to participating in these meetings for the rest of your life can actually feel pretty depressing. In some ways, it perpetuates feelings of helplessness and shame, and makes many addicts feel like they aren’t really in control of their own destiny. When you feel like your future looks grim, you may not have much of a reason not to go back to using drugs.

While traditional detox and treatment is still a popular choice, it’s by no means the only — or most effective — one. To find out more about how an ibogaine treatment program can help you truly overcome your addiction, contact Transcend Clinic today.

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