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It’s likely that when you were deep in the darkness of your addiction that the first thing you thought of or did when you woke up in the morning was get high, get drunk, or – at the very least – immediately begin thinking about when and how you could obtain your drug of choice and get it inside your body!  Thankfully, now that you are in recovery, that’s not the case anymore.  You probably now understand that the way you start each morning can have a huge impact on your day – good or bad.  Back when you were a substance abuser, satisfying your cravings right off the bat may have felt like a good thing, but you now know it was really the worst thing for you.  As someone in recovery, you have become familiar with the concept of “one day at a time,” which can easily translate as “one minute at a time” or “one second at a time” and you now know that every moment of every day counts.  If you start out your day on a positive note rather than a negative one, you are already on the right path to a happy and healthy remainder of the day.  Developing a healthy and positive morning routine can help you start your day in an upbeat way that will stay with you and that will help keep you on the straight and narrow clear until bedtime.

Creating a Positive Morning Routine

Since its really easy to wake up in the morning and just lie in bed, or play with your phone, or turn on the television, it’s good to develop a plan for your mornings to ensure that you will immediately start the day off on the right foot.  There are many bloggers out there who promote creating a morning routine to follow so that you will accomplish a great deal even before most of your friends and loved ones have had breakfast.   This can be very helpful for you and can inspire you to make the most of every day, since you will have accomplished so much before your day hardly even really begins.   This routine will vary based on the individual, of course, but what follows are some suggestions for building a routine that suits you best.  Pick and choose what works for you, set an order of operations (and don’t be afraid to juggle and readjust if it doesn’t flow quite right at first), and make a commitment to yourself.  Soon your morning routine will be a habit, and you’ll begin to ask yourself how you ever survived without it!

Potential Components of a Morning Routine

What a morning routine looks like may vary from person to person, but many highly successful people include some or all of the following in their own morning routine.  Choose what works for you, and forget the rest.

How to Get in the Morning Routine Habit

Although it’s often quite difficult to begin a new habit, it’s certainly not impossible.  You certainly shouldn’t try to take on every habit on this list at once, though.  Starting small is key. Choose one or two things you would like to incorporate into your life and begin.  After a few weeks of consistency with those, add another habit, and add another a few weeks after that.  Continue on from there, and soon you will have a complete and thorough morning routine to help support your recovery.  Keep a record of your successes in a notebook or on a calendar and soon you won’t want to break your streak – and you will just keep going, and going, and going, onward and upward, too!

A morning routine can change your life.  You will be amazed at how accomplished you feel even before you have stepped outside or begun work for the day.  Creating a morning routine using habits such as these will transform you and help to make you stronger and even more dedicated to your recovery than you are already.

At Transcend Clinic, we want to get you started on a positive and healthy path.   Our ibogaine detox can help you interrupt your addiction and assist you in discovering and working through its root cause.  Our intake specialists are standing by to answer your questions about our methods and the ways that we can help you!

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