Dexedrine Abuse and Addiction Treatment of the ADHD Medication

Dexedrine is a stimulant medication that is often prescribed to people who have been diagnosed with ADHD. This drug has helped many people get back on track after struggling with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder for years. It’s very effective; some people go as far as to stay that this drug has been a miracle for them and that it has changed their lives for the better after no other drugs or strategies have worked. 

However, the fact that this drug works so well is its downfall, too, as it can be very addictive, and dependency or addiction on this drug can be dangerous and even life-threatening. Read on to learn more about this drug, abuse, and addiction to it, and how people struggling with dependency to dexedrine can break free and return to a dependency-free life moving forward.

What is Dexedrine?

Dexedrine is a brand name for Dextroamphetamine; it is a central nervous system stimulant that is prescribed primarily for ADHD. It also is prescribed for narcolepsy. This drug is a stimulant, so it keeps the user awake, but it also is used to enhance cognitive function. 

In addition to these intended uses, Dexedrine is sometimes used recreationally. When used in this way, users seek its euphoric properties. Misuse of this drug and other drugs like it is not uncommon. In 2021, 773,000 Americans aged 12 or older reported misusing prescription stimulant drugs like Dexedrine.

This drug is classified as a Schedule II drug under the Controlled Substances Act. This designation means that the drug does have recognized medical use, but it also has a high likelihood of abuse and addiction.

Dexedrine is administered in pill form and is taken orally. Proper Dexedrine dosage is determined by a doctor. It is often combined with amphetamine to make Adderall, another commonly prescribed drug for ADHD. When it comes to comparing Dexedrine vs. Adderall, they are quite similar, and both drugs are prescribed to achieve the same goals. Dexedrine tablets and Adderall tablets often even look similar.

Efficacy in ADHD treatment

Dexedrine is very effective as a treatment for ADHD. People who are prescribed Dexdrine for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder find that they are much more easily able to stay focused and concentrate when on the drug. It can be a game changer for people who have always struggled with school and work, and it lasts for several hours, which can be quite helpful on a day-to-day basis in these settings.

The Scope of Dexedrine Abuse and Addiction

However, the fact that it works so well, combined with the fact that it has euphoric qualities, means that many people abuse this drug. Both people who are prescribed Dexedrine and people who are not prescribed the drug are at risk for addiction. It does not take long for someone to become dependent on this medication.

People who are prescribed Dexedrine may find that they soon begin taking it more often than recommended or may take larger doses of the medication to get the same effects they did when they began. Others who are not prescribed Dexedrine may begin taking the drug to study for a test, to finish a work project, to boost athletic performance, or to lose weight, and soon may find that they desire the drug more and more.

Recognizing Dexedrine Abuse and Addiction

Although Dexedrine is not prescribed as often as other amphetamines, it still has the same risks for misuse and abuse. Dexedrine side effects are numerous. The side effects may at first not be obvious to some, but to others, they may seem very obvious indeed. People who are abusing Dexedrine may suddenly begin staying up late and may not sleep very much at all. They may complain of headaches and dry mouth. They may have a loss of appetite and may appear anxious and nervous.  

Signs and Symptoms

Over time, people abusing Dexedrine may lose a lot of weight. They may become easily agitated and may feel cold in their hands and feet. Someone abusing Dexedrine may even exhibit tremors.

If someone abuses this drug for a long period of time, the side effects and symptoms only get worse. People abusing Dexedrine may experience hallucinations and may have delusional thoughts. They may even have seizures or fall into amphetamine-induced induced-psychosis or may exhibit manic or aggressive behavior. In some instances, people addicted to Dexedrine have been the victims of sudden death.

These are, of course, worse-case scenarios, but as you can see, addiction to Dexedrine can seriously impact one’s mental and physical health in a very severe way. Dexedrine abuse and Dexedrine addiction are both very unsafe.

Impact of Dexedrine Addiction

Some people tend to think that misuse and even abuse of Dexedrine and similar drugs is not a big deal at all and that using this drug incorrectly or without a prescription is basically harmless. This belief is incorrect; Dexedrine can lead to very serious problems and can become an addiction issue in a very short time.

People who are addicted to Dexedrine may need help to quit. This drug, like so many others, can change the pathways in one’s brain and can make a user feel that he or she needs it to feel normal. To break free from this type of addiction, addiction recovery services like counseling or even inpatient rehabilitation may be helpful or necessary.

Prevention and Treatment of Dexedrine Addiction

If someone you know is dependent on Dexedrine, it is time to get them to help. If you or someone else continues to use this drug after experiencing social or interpersonal problems because of it, continues to use despite life-threatening consequences, is neglecting important roles in his or her life, or experiences withdrawal when the drug isn’t available, then you or he or she should reach out for guidance immediately, before it’s too late. 

Dexedrine is a dangerous drug and it should only be used as directed by a medical professional. If you need help breaking free from dependency to Dexedrine, give us a call at our ibogaine treatment center today. We are standing by to help you. Our facility in Cancun, Mexico is staffed by experienced staff who have helped many others before you to break free from addiction. Our pioneering treatment with ibogaine for ADHD medication addiction delves deep into the core of your challenges, enabling you to embark on a journey toward a happier and healthier life. Please contact us today – we can’t wait to hear from you.


Is Dexedrine still prescribed?

Yes, Dexedrine (dextroamphetamine) continues to be prescribed for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy.

Is Dexedrine stronger than Concerta?

Dexedrine (dextroamphetamine) and Concerta (methylphenidate) are both stimulants used to treat ADHD. Still, their strength and effectiveness vary based on individual responses and cannot be directly compared in a simple manner.

How long does dexedrine stay in your system?

Dexedrine typically stays in your system for 1 to 2 days.

What is the difference between Dexedrine and Adderall?

Dexedrine and Adderall are both medications used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), but they differ in their active ingredients and formulation. Dexedrine contains dextroamphetamine as its active ingredient, while Adderall is a combination of amphetamine salts.

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