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You took the steps necessary to become clean and sober for many reasons, but one major and all-encompassing motivator was likely a desire to live a healthier life.   Now that you are well on your way down your path to recovery, what can you do next to become even stronger and healthier than you ever have been before?

The key to optimum health is exercise, and although you may be exercising regularly already, you may not fully realize the ways in which working out can help to keep you sober and moving forward on your recovery journey.   Here’s a quick look at the many ways regular exercise is good for you during this stage of your life., and if you aren’t exercising regularly already, some tips on how to get started.

Why Exercise?

There are countless reasons to exercise frequently.   Some of them you likely know already, but some you probably don’t!

How to Begin

Perhaps you exercise regularly already and already know of the great benefits it can provide.   If you don’t, though, you’re not alone.   Many Americans report having little time for exercise; the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that people try to participate in at least thirty minutes of moderate physical activity every day of the week, but as of a 2012 study, only about 21% of adults met that guideline.  If you haven’t been exercising at all, 150 minutes per week may sound like a lot, but truly it’s just a starting point.   To help yourself get to that starting point, there are many things you can do.

Anyone can exercise regularly, and everyone should.  As someone working on living a clean and sober and, most of all, healthy lifestyle from here on out, beginning a daily exercise routine can be one of the most important tools in your recovery toolbox.   Get out there, and start exercising!    Certainly, no one has ever regretted getting in good shape – and now, it’s your turn to join the club.

At Transcend Clinic we want to help you get started on that clean and healthy road!   Our ibogaine detox treatment helps people to interrupt their addictions and allows them to get to the root of the problem during a stay at our facility in Cancun, Mexico.  After your ibogaine experience, we will provide you with the support you need to take the next steps and move forward with the person you truly are deep down inside.  Our intake specialists are standing by to answer any questions you may have about our program, mission, philosophy, process, and experience, and the ways in which we can help you.   Please call us today!

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