Finding Paradigms in Recovery that Work For You

Finding Paradigms in Recovery that Work For You

There’s a gradual and inexorable shift in addiction treatment which embraces more possibilities and treatment paradigms beyond our present disease model of addiction and utilizing 12-step groups as a means to somehow slow and stabilize the progression of what’s been termed a “chronic, progressive, and incurable disease.”

The unfortunate reality of present-day addiction treatment is that scientific knowledge and medical research have played a very minimal role in treating addiction within the United States. A medical condition (drug dependence) has been criminalized, and a faith-based solution has been presented as a mandatory alternative to incarceration for many people. Drug courts routinely sentence individuals to attend 12-step meeting as an alternative to jail or prison. While this is an improvement over the extremely repressive practice of imprisoning people for the crime of altering their state of consciousness

In the process of criminalizing a medical condition (drug dependence) and coercing individuals to attend faith-based AA and NA programs as a something that can in some way slow or abate the “disease” of addiction, the entire treatment process has turned into something of a bad joke. While the definition of what constitutes a religion can vary dramatically, they tend to have a collection of things in common, one of the central tenets of religion is a belief in some sort of God.

12 Step meetings open with the serenity prayer, which directly meets 2 of the 4 criteria for religious activity (ritualized prayer and a belief in God). This is usually followed by a featured speaker or members of the audience telling war stories about their drug use and describing their shame and lack of hope before coming to their senses and joining AA or NA. The Big Book is filled with religious elements and devotes an entire chapter to attacking atheists and other non-believers as being “crazy” and presents belief in a “higher power” as the only means to restore “sanity.”

A medical condition, drug dependence, has been criminalized, and a faith-based solution, 12 step meetings, have been presented as an answer. Within this process ASAM’s (the American Society of Addiction Medicine) concept of medical ethics have become completely meaningless. Clinicians have the legal obligation to uphold and respect a patients’ rights and are not allowed to delegate “to any non-medical person any matter requiring the exercise of professional medical judgment.” Yet clinicians working within the medical community who are part of ASAM frequently pass patients off to counselors or recovery coaches, who are usually drug addicts in recovery themselves, with little or no medical training.

It’s relatively easy to point out what’s wrong with conventional addiction treatment: almost everything. What’s important is finding things that work For You.

Everybody is Not The Same

Despite NA’s assertion that everybody is the same, a cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all approach to engineering your recovery, rarely works for the vast majority of individuals.

A short list of helpful ideas post-ibogaine treatment would include:

As always, don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you’d like more information about what ibogaine can do for you and your unique life situation.


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