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When you learned that your son or daughter was addicted to drugs or alcohol and decided to help him or her do something about it, the world surrounding everyone involved changed drastically.  Then, when he or she agreed to go to rehab, obviously things started to get better already, but clearly, your life, your child’s life, and your family’s life continued to be unavoidably altered by the substance abuse problem and the subsequent admission to a rehabilitation facility.  All of these changes can be very stressful for everyone involved – your child, you, his or her siblings, and your extended family, too.

Of course, most importantly, you know that you still love your child with all your heart – that doesn’t change.   Your priority now is to do everything in your power to help him or her on this new recovery journey.  So much has changed, and needs to change going forward, and many of these changes will take some getting used to.  But remember, this is a massive change for the better.  Your child is on a clean and healthy path to a life free from drugs and alcohol, and that is a huge victory already.  Moving forward, you just need to keep your eye on the prize – as each week, month, and year goes by, the chance of relapse decreases, and every recovery journey starts with baby steps.  Change can be challenging for both you and your child, but as long as you are properly prepared for it, you can easily take it in stride and can fully embrace the evolutions and transformations happening both within and around you.

Before Release

Regardless of whether your child is attending a week-long ibogaine detox, a month-long residential treatment program, or a program that is even longer than that, there are several things you can do to prepare to support your him or her before the program is even complete.

When Your Child Returns Home

When your son or daughter returns home, remember that he or she is a changed person in many ways, but he or she is also the same person as always.  Although many things around your house will change as a result of all this, more things will stay the same.  However, with that said, there are some easy ways you can support your child on this new path to recovery once they have been released and have returned to you.

In the Long Run

In time, your child’s time in rehab will simply be another piece of your past, but it is important that recovery always be a priority in all of your lives from this point forward.  Thankfully, as time goes on, recovery generally gets easier for most people, but as a parent you have to stay vigilant in helping to keep your son or daughter on the right track.

Your son or daughter has a good chance of staying clean and sober for the long term, but he or she will need your love, support, and guidance.  Although this may seem like an overwhelming task at first, you can be this supportive force in your child’s life and can be an integral part of his or her recovery.

At Transcend Clinic, we understand the important role of the parents when it comes to recovery and our teenage clients.  We look forward to answering any questions you have and will work with you to help you develop an aftercare plan for when your child returns home from our facility.  Our intake specialists are standing by and would be happy to discuss with you the ways that ibogaine treatment can help start your child on a path to recovery from his or her addiction.   Please give us a call today.  Please note: we will not treat minors.

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