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Chances are, while you were deeply involved in substance abuse and were battling your addiction, you burned some bridges and destroyed some relationships that were important to you.  People you loved may have become upset with you, and perhaps mostly gave up on you during this time period; after many attempts at helping you, it may have become too much for them to handle, and they may have begun to think of you as a lost cause.  Perhaps your behavior become unbearable to them to see, or even worse, the addicted you broke too many promises, or even stole from them or made their life difficult in some other nearly unbelievable or heartbreaking way.  Now, though, you have stopped using drugs and alcohol, and your life is on the up and up.  You are recovering, and you are back to being the person your loved ones once knew well and loved intensely.  You want to rebuild these relationships, and ask for forgiveness, but how?

Rebuilding relationships you destroyed during the time you were struggling isn’t easy, but it’s not impossible.  Sure, some people may never forgive you, and may have written you off for life.  But others may be open to tentatively welcoming you back into their lives, and by taking the right steps to get there, you may very well be able to repair the bonds you once held with these people that you love, and who loved you – and who deep down, still love you.

There are many steps to seeking and finding forgiveness in any situation, but the steps a recovering addict must take are even more numerous.  Remember, your loved ones want to love you again, but the person they saw during your addiction is fresh in their minds and may be difficult to quickly forget.  However, if you are calm, careful, and calculated, you may still be able to turn things around.

Getting sober is never easy, and neither is rebuilding relationships with people who, for a time, lost faith in you.  However, if you follow these steps and keep working on your health and progress, you can, in most cases, restore relationships with the people who are important to you.  Be patient, be honest, and keep moving forward.  In the rare case that someone will not forgive you for who you were when you were using, give them space, and keep continued hope for the future.  You never know when someone will truly see and embrace the new person you have become, and when they finally may come around.

At Transcend Clinic, we are here to help you on this journey.  Ibogaine is often viewed as “addiction interruption,” resetting your mind and body to a point where addiction quickly becomes something that is a part of your past.  However, we realize that much work still must be done after your time with us, and we are here to help you on that journey as well.  Please give us a call and get started on the process, our intake specialists are standing by to discuss with you the ways in which ibogaine treatment can help you on the first steps to a happier, healthier you.  Once you stop using, it’s amazing the ways your life can change, and in turn, the relationships that suffered during your active addiction can begin to change for the better, too.

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