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Reoccurring or constant feelings of anxiety can be difficult for anyone, but for someone in recovery, they can also be dangerous.  This type of stress can be a trigger for relapse, so as someone in recovery, you can’t simply ignore it and hope it goes away.  In fact, ignoring it can make it even worse, and it can just build from there.  So, finding ways to deal with your anxiety, now that you are in recovery, is extremely important, and is an integral part of any complete recovery plan.  You are not alone in feeling anxious, though – according the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, forty million Americans over the age of 18 are affected by anxiety – roughly 18% of the nation’s population.  Thankfully, there are steps people can take to help free themselves from this uncomfortable way of living.  Anxiety disorders are highly treatable, yet only 36.9% of those suffering receive treatment.

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is not a random, unknown, or uncontrollable disease or illness that you develop, inherit, or contract.  Instead, it actually results from a certain behaviors.  We create the physiological, psychological, and emotional state of being anxious when we are worried, fretful, or concerned.  Being apprehensive about people, places, or situations can create anxiety and if left to its own devices, it can just build from there.  When it is not addressed, it can continue to grow, and can eventually develop into a full-blown anxiety disorder, which can interfere with every single aspect of your everyday life.

However, just as it is something that we cause in ourselves, it is something we can combat in ourselves as well.  Unfortunately, while you were an active drug abuser, it’s likely you masked your anxiety by self-medicating with drugs and alcohol.  In fact, its possible that underlying anxiety may have even been one of the reasons you started using drugs and alcohol to begin with.  Over time, you used these substances more and more and that lead to addiction.  Now that you are in recovery, you need to find healthier ways to deal with your anxious feelings.   Luckily, there are many options to help you in this area, and soon and with practice, you may be able to control your feelings of anxiety, or nearly eliminate them altogether, without numbing them with substances that will harm your mind and body.

Ways to Combat Anxiety

There are many ways to fight feelings of anxiety.  If one doesn’t work for you, there are others you can try.  Most likely, a combination of multiple methods will be the best way to avoid or downplay these feelings.  Try each of the following methods, and see what works best for you and your situation.


This list is not exhaustive or fully comprehensive, but many of these tips may be a good place to start for people who are suffering from feelings of anxiety.  Again, remember, most researchers believe that anxiety is something that we create within ourselves, and if that is true, then we can also control them and overcome them as well.  If you try many of these still with little success, do seek out a therapist to help you work through these feelings, because again, intense anxiety can be a dangerous situation for individuals working on their recovery; since anxiety can be treated, there is no reason for it to build to a place where it becomes a trigger for relapse. You can succeed, and beat anxiety, too!

At Transcend Clinic, we want to help you get sober and recover from your addiction.  The unique properties of iboga can also help you work on your feelings of anxiety by leading you deep within yourself to get to the root of these underlying problems.  After an ibogaine experience, you will begin to see things more clearly, and will know yourself better than ever before.  Please do not hesitate to contact us

To learn more about ibogaine treatment and the ways we can help you at our clinic in Cancun.  We are standing by to hear from you, and are excited to discuss with you the ways that ibogaine can help you and your unique situation.

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