How to Detox from Methamphetamine: Withdrawals, Symptoms and Effects

Detoxing from Methamphetamine

A recent National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) was used to evaluate methamphetamine use in the United States. The survey showed about 0.4 percent of Americans – approximately 1.2 million people – used methamphetamines. Additionally, the survey indicated 440,000 people used methamphetamines within the past month. The survey results revealed methamphetamine use is actually declining in the United States – but it still remains a major problem.

A methamphetamine detox is rarely simple, too. The side effects of a methamphetamine detox vary from minor to extreme, and individuals who are in the middle of a detox may require comprehensive support. Of course, a methamphetamine detox is challenging – even if it takes place in a professional setting. But for individuals who receive extensive assistance at each stage of a methamphetamine detox, they can limit the risk of relapse.

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Methamphetamine Use?

The signs and symptoms of methamphetamine use are sometimes difficult to detect. Yet if a family member, friend, or colleague displays any of the following symptoms, he or she may be dealing with a methamphetamine addiction:

There are many notable physical symptoms associated with methamphetamine use as well [1]. These symptoms include:

There are several signs to watch for that indicate an individual may be using methamphetamine, too. These signs include:

If you believe someone you know is dealing with a methamphetamine addiction, get help right away. By approaching an individual about his or her methamphetamine use, you can help him or her take the first step to treat this issue. Best of all, you can help this individual determine the best course of action to overcome his or her methamphetamine addiction.

What Are the Risks and Effects of Methamphetamine Use?

Methamphetamine abuse is dangerous – regardless of whether an individual is using methamphetamine for the first time. If a person constantly uses methamphetamine, the risks associated with methamphetamine abuse increase accordingly. And if a person uses an excess amount of methamphetamine at once, he or she risks a fatal overdose.

Short-Term Effects of Methamphetamine Use

Methamphetamines are highly addictive, and they stimulate the central nervous system. The drugs impact the brain’s production of dopamine, a chemical that results in “happy” feelings. In doing so, methamphetamines create an instant rush. To capture this rush time and time again, a person may continuously use methamphetamines, leading to a methamphetamine addiction.

Those who understand the short-term effects of methamphetamine use are better equipped than ever before to identify people struggling with a meth addiction [2]. Common short-term effects of methamphetamine include:

When a person takes methamphetamines, the flood of dopamine provides a jolt to the body. It produces a high that results in one or more of the aforementioned side effects. At the same time, methamphetamine use may result in any of the following physical issues:

The short-term side effects of methamphetamine use are temporary, but prolonged use of methamphetamines may cause these side effects to worsen over time. Therefore, the more a person uses methamphetamines, the more likely it becomes that he or she may suffer long-term consequences due to prolonged drug abuse.

Long-Term Effects of Methamphetamine Use

Long-term methamphetamine abuse leads to drug tolerance. This eventually causes a person to use higher doses of methamphetamines during each use, resulting in a drug addiction [3]. Meanwhile, there are also various long-term physiological effects associated with methamphetamine use, such as:

Other signs of long-term methamphetamine use to watch for include:

The long-term effects of methamphetamine are severe and must be treated accordingly. By seeking medical assistance, an individual can get the necessary treatment to manage his or her methamphetamine addiction. Plus, this individual can work closely with medical professionals to treat his or her addictive behaviors and prevent a relapse.

How Long Does It Take to Detox from Meth?

Each meth detox is different, and the amount of time that meth remains in a person’s system depends on the individual. If an individual has used meth for an extended period of time, the meth withdrawal period may last up to 40 weeks.

In addition to the length of time that a person has used meth, an individual’s body and his or her environment sometimes play key roles in meth withdrawal. People who are dealing with severe conflicts may be more prone to problems during meth withdrawal. Furthermore, the sudden removal of meth from the body can shock the system. In this case, an individual may need to gradually reduce his or her meth use to limit the risk of a relapse.

The intense cravings associated with meth detox interfere with an individual’s ability to overcome his or her addictive behaviors. Fortunately, medically based treatment programs are available to help individuals safely and effectively detox from meth. These programs are administered by highly trained medical professionals who work diligently to provide patients with the support they need. They also help patients explore some of the reasons why they pursued meth in the first place and understand the root cause of their addictions. This ensures patients can develop aftercare plans to cope with meth addiction and ensure that they can move past their addictive behaviors.

Methamphetamine Withdrawal Symptoms

Methamphetamine withdrawal symptoms are common among individuals who stop taking the drug. These symptoms, however, vary based on the individual, the amount of methamphetamine, and how long he or she has been taking the drug [4].

Common methamphetamine withdrawal symptoms include:

Methamphetamine withdrawal symptoms range in terms of severity, too. If an individual is dealing with methamphetamine withdrawal symptoms, medical aid is available. By seeking medical assistance, an individual can treat his or her withdrawal symptoms, as well as explore ways to address a methamphetamine addiction.

Methamphetamine Withdrawal Home Remedies

Sometimes, people use home remedies to treat their methamphetamine withdrawal symptoms. Common methamphetamine withdrawal home remedies include:

Methamphetamine withdrawal home remedies cannot substitute for medical care. If an individual is dealing with methamphetamine withdrawal symptoms, a medical professional can help him or her treat these symptoms. Also, this medical professional can help this individual develop a long-term plan to address his or her methamphetamine use.

Methamphetamine Comedown

Methamphetamine “comedown” may occur in conjunction with withdrawal. During the comedown period, meth’s euphoric effects wear off. At this time, an individual may experience one or more of the following side effects:

Comedown usually lasts at least a few days after a person’s last use of meth. Comedown symptoms typically disappear on their own, and they won’t recur until a person uses meth once again.

Methamphetamine Comedown Recovery

There is no one-size-fits-all solution to recover following a methamphetamine comedown. Common ways to recover from this period include:

Detox centers are perhaps some of the best options to treat methamphetamine comedown. They are staffed by highly trained medical professionals who allocate the necessary time and resources to understand an individual and his or her meth use. Then, these medical professionals craft a custom plan to treat an individual’s meth comedown symptoms, along with his or her addictive behaviors.

Methamphetamine Detox Timeline

The time it takes to detox from methamphetamine use varies based on how long a person has been addicted to the drug, the amount of his or her doses, and the frequency of meth use. Generally, the meth detox phase consists of two stages: the acute stage and the protracted detox phase.

The acute stage of methamphetamine detox may last up to 10 days. It may trigger intense physical, emotional, and psychological symptoms and as such, requires extensive care and support.

During the acute stage of meth detox, an individual may experience one or more of the following symptoms:

The protracted detox phase immediately follows the acute stage of meth detox, and it may last several months. During the protracted detox phase, an individual may experience drug cravings, depression, and other symptoms.

Meth Detox Home Remedies

Meth detox home remedies offer no guarantees. In some instances, they help individuals clean out his or her system. But oftentimes, these remedies actually do more home than good.

For example, if a person’s home is full of meth triggers, detox may be exceedingly difficult. In this situation, an individual may be exposed to meth triggers constantly – something that increases his or her susceptibility to a relapse. If this individual suddenly binges on meth, the results could be fatal.

A medically supervised detox program is a great alternative to a meth detox home remedy. This program is backed by expert medical personnel who help patients at each stage of a meth detox. It also ensures each patient receives ongoing support and can take the necessary steps to address addictive behaviors both now and in the future.

How to Help Someone Detox from Meth

The best detox for meth varies, and in some instances, people pursue fast meth detox at home or at a medical facility. Regardless of how an individual chooses to detox to meth, there are many ways for you to provide support throughout this process, such as:

Meth detox is complex, but a comprehensive approach can make a world of difference. By assisting a friend, family member, or anyone else you know in his or her quest to detox from meth, you could help this individual find the best way to manage his or her meth addiction.

What to Look for in a Methamphetamine Treatment Program

A methamphetamine treatment program should provide a safe, comfortable setting. Here, an individual can treat his or her meth addiction, as well as receive constant guidance and support from knowledgeable medical personnel.

Many methamphetamine treatment programs are available, but choosing the right program requires an individual to evaluate a wide range of options. By taking an in-depth approach to finding a meth treatment program, an individual can find one that matches his or her expectations. Next, an individual can enroll in a meth treatment program and discover the best way to overcome his or her addiction.

Methamphetamine Addiction FAQ

What is the best way to detox from methamphetamine?

Oftentimes, it takes multiple treatments to detox from methamphetamine addiction. In some instances, people use a combination of cognitive behavioral therapy and personalized counseling to cope with a meth addiction. Additionally, an ibogaine therapy program may help an individual uncover the root cause of meth addiction and take steps to live addiction-free.

For those who are searching for the best way to detox from meth, it is paramount to seek out medical assistance. By working with a doctor, an individual can receive medical support so he or she can safely reduce meth dependence. A doctor also delivers a personalized treatment plan to help an individual cope with meth withdrawal and ensure that he or she can manage addictive behaviors going forward.

What are the most common signs or symptoms that someone is abusing methamphetamine?

Meth abuse takes a physical toll on a person, and an individual who frequently uses meth may experience sudden weight loss, along with rotting teeth and acne or sores. Over time, meth abuse increases a person’s risk of convulsions, and it may cause his or her skin to appear more droopy and damaged than ever before.

The psychological symptoms of meth abuse can be significant, too. A person who is coping with a meth addiction may have difficulty remembering things, and his or her visual memory may also be impaired. Meth abuse has been shown to cause people to feel paranoid and experience hallucinations as well.

Let’s not forget about the environmental and behavioral signs of meth addiction, either. Small, self-fastening baggies may be present around the home of a person who regularly uses meth; these baggies are used to hold and carry the drug. Meanwhile, an individual dealing with a meth addiction may withdraw from activities or relationships that he or she previously enjoyed.

What are the immediate effects after a person uses methamphetamine?

In the short-term, meth use may cause a person to experience muscle twitching, dry mouth, and nausea. At the same time, meth may cause a person to feel more energized and happy, as well as help improve his or her concentration.

The effects of meth use vary based on the individual, the amount of meth that he or she consumes, and other factors. Once the initial side effects of meth wear off, an individual may also experience withdrawal symptoms that range from mild to severe.

What is the best way to recover from a methamphetamine addiction?

Meth addiction will get worse over time if it goes untreated. By consulting with a doctor, an individual can work with a medical professional to effectively treat meth addiction.

What should I look for in a methamphetamine treatment center?

There is no shortage of meth treatment centers available, but the right treatment center always employs expert medical personnel to assist patients. The ideal meth treatment center understands that no two patients are exactly alike, and its staff works closely with patients to provide personalized care and support. That way, each patient receives extensive assistance from courteous, knowledgeable medical personnel as he or she searches for the best way to cope with a meth addiction.

Finding a Methamphetamine Treatment Program

Methamphetamine detox and recovery are difficult, but they can save a person’s life. Transcend Clinic is a leading provider of medically supervised meth treatment programs. We feature a team of medical experts, a consistent record of success, and top-of-the-line facilities to help patients treat meth addiction.

Don’t wait to address a meth addiction –  contact us today to find out how Transcend Clinic uses ibogaine therapy to treat meth addiction.




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