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Whether you are in recovery from addiction yourself or not, seeing a friend or loved one struggle with his or her own addiction can be difficult and heartbreaking.   Watching someone make mistakes that they likely wouldn’t make without the influence of drugs or alcohol, such as destroying relationships, losing jobs, and a continuous lack of financial stability can be upsetting, and your ever-present fear and worry about their safety, health, and future can be extremely trying as well.  However, confronting someone you care about to discuss his or her drug or alcohol problem is not easy.  In fact, the idea of doing so may make you very nervous and you may have no idea how to begin.  But, talking to your friend or loved one about these issues sooner, rather than later, can make a huge difference in that person’s recovery, and in his or her life.  You have to be brave and do it, for their sake, and for your own conscience.

How to Know If Your Friend Has a Problem

If you are in recovery yourself, you are likely quite good at spotting the signs of addiction.  However, their addiction may differ greatly from your own, and as a result you may not know all the signs.  Further, if you are someone who is not in recovery, you may not be sure how to tell the difference between someone who has a substance abuse problem and someone who just enjoys indulging from time to time.

Thankfully, there are many resources that list signs and symptoms of addiction available to you.  Most make similar points, but you may find it helpful to consult several for your overall evaluation.  The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), a United States federal government institute that studies drug and alcohol use of all kinds across our nation, offers a fairly comprehensive list on their website.  The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. (NCADD), an American advocacy organization, offers a similar list on their site.  And, the world-renowned Mayo Clinic also features a very thorough and nearly comprehensive resource on this topic on their site as well.

Take some time to observe your loved one with purpose over a period of days or weeks, and evaluate the situation the best you can.  Perhaps speak to other family members or friends of the individual to see what they think as well.  Then when the time is right, get ready to make your move.

How to Approach Your Friend

There are numerous guidelines and smart tips to follow when approaching someone about such an intense topic.  You want to go in strong, but you also don’t want to overwhelm the person, nor make him or her feel attacked.   Letting the person know you care and are there for them, should they decide to get clean and sober, is paramount.

Consider Finding Support for Yourself

Whether your friend or loved one accepts your help or rejects it, caring about someone with a drug or alcohol problem can be very stressful.  You may feel anxious and worried all the time, and you may lose sleep over this individual’s struggles and journey.  Thankfully, there are lots of groups that can help you through this, too.  Carer’s support groups, such as Al-Anon or Nar-Anon, or a wide variety of online forums, can be very helpful to you.

While you wait and see and follow your friend or loved one down his or her recover path, remember – be patient; people do not get sober overnight.  There will likely be numerous pitfalls and possibly even relapses along the way.  Just hang in there, keep offering support however you can, help your friend to avoid triggers, remind him or her you are there for them, and so on.  Also, if it does not work out, don’t blame yourself.  Addiction is the responsibility of the individual and you can only do so much.  In the end, it is up to that person.  You can support him or her, but unfortunately, you can’t do it for them.  Stay strong and do your best; it’s all you can do, and if you stay positive and helpful, it may be all that your friend or loved one needs to move forward on the path to addiction recovery success.

We would love to help your friend or loved one begin his or her recovery journey at Transcend Clinic.  Our innovative ibogaine detox treatment is a great first step on the road to a clean and sober lifestyle, and our operators are standing by to answer any questions you may have.  A weeklong visit to our facility in Cancun, Mexico, is a strong, new beginning for anyone struggling with drug or alcohol addiction.  Please contact us today.

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