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You love your family – of course you do. They are your blood, they are a part of who you are, and you are a part of them.  You love having your family around, and spending time with them, too.  However, when the holiday season comes around, they can sometimes be a bit much.  You’re already stressed about all things you need to get done just right, and on top of that, it seems like everyone has demands.  Between your family that lives in your house, your extended family all over the country, and houseguests that always seem to stay longer than you’d like, there is just no escaping it. All you want is a little bit of “me” time – and for the holiday season to be over!

According to a study by the US Highbush Blueberry Council,31% of Americans describe the holiday season as “frantic,” and feelings of stress build throughout the month of December and culminate at 2:05pm on Christmas Day.  Holiday stress can be especially dangerous for people working on their recovery. Not only does it seem to build and build until it is at a fever pitch, with seemingly no end in sight, but there are so many opportunities to use.  Holiday parties, dinners, and late nights with old friends can quickly result in drug or alcohol consumption if you’re not careful, and before you know it, one slip could turn into a full-blown relapse.  Luckily, there are steps you can take to keep yourself on the right track; read on to find out what they are.

How to Keep Your Family Members from Driving You Crazy

            Even regardless of your recovery status, there are a few things you can do to help take the stress out of holiday family gatherings.  Try these strategies to help keep your holiday season merry and bright!

Tips for Staying Sober During Holiday Stress

In addition to the tips above for dealing with challenging family and events specifically, there are steps you can take to stay strong in your sobriety today, and every day.  During the holiday season, refer to these ideas to continue moving forward on your recovery journey, without even a bump in the road.

It is possible to survive the holidays, and survive our families.  We have been doing it for decades!  Just follow these tips, take some deep breaths, and take every moment of every day one at a time.  January is the light at the end of the tunnel, and once New Year’s Day hits, its eleven long months until you have to do it all over again. Good luck!

At Transcend Clinic,we are standing by to help you start your recovery journey.   Let 2019 be the year you turn over a new leaf and change for the better.  Our ibogaine detox treatmentwill help you get to the root of your addiction, and will open your eyes to it in a whole new way. Many people who have experienced ibogaine report few if any withdrawal symptoms from their drug of choice afterwards, and this gives them strength to continue down their personal recovery path.  Please give us a call todayto find out more about ibogaine and to find out if it is right for you!

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