10 day program

Intake process

After you initially make contact with Transcend, one of our specialsts will quickly respond to schedule a telephone interview. We will need to obtain your general medical history and detailed information regarding the condition for which you are seeking treatment, as well as a complete list of any medications you may presently be taking or have taken in the past month and any medical conditions for which you are being treated. We will remain in contact with you after the initial assessment, and we will follow up on any additional questions that may arise as your treatment date gets closer. We are very aware this, for some, is a stressful time for you and everybody involved; we will make ourselves available for additional calls and to answer any questions that may arise in the intake process.


Pre- and aftercare are an essential component of the ibogaine treatment process. Transcend’s unique pre-care includes two 90-minute sessions before admission. In certain specific cases, up to two more sessions may be indicated before admission.


Transcend’s substance detox or behavioral interruption program typically lasts for 10 days. However, patients who are using alcohol heavily or are on methadone buprenorphine or other prescription medications that require supervised tapering may need longer programs, with a proportional price increase. Please enquire about our extended programs. Please note that patients with any mental or neurological health conditions that have ongoing problematic substance use must enroll in our 10-day program.
Our price includes transportation from the airport in Cancun to the clinic, private room, 24/7 nursing care, all necessary medications, laboratory investigations, electrocardiograms, ultrasounds, physician assessments, psychotherapy sessions, daily massage, activities (yoga, stretching, breathing/pool exercises, etc.), gourmet meals, one flood dose of ibogaine, up to four booster doses of ibogaine*, all necessary monitoring during ibogaine administration, and transportation to the Cancun airport from the clinic upon discharge.

Making a reservation

Once we have received payment and you have a confirmed reservation at our treatment facility, you will need to book a flight to Cancun International Airport (airport code CUN). Before you arrive, you will receive detailed instructions for your transfer from the airport to the clinic. Upon your arrival, a representative of a specialized transfers company will meet you at the airport and transport you to the center.
A typical stay at our center encompasses 10 days, all of which are scheduled and confirmed well in advance of your arrival. While family members and friends may want to visit you, there are important protocols that must be adhered to – all of which are addressed during the intake process.
Overnight accommodation is available only for our patients and we do require patients to stay with us for the entirety of their on-site treatment.

If for any reason the patient cancels their treatment program with at least 10 days’ prior notice, this deposit is refundable. Cancellations within 10 days of the beginning of a scheduled treatment program are non-refundable.
If a patient is not a candidate for ibogaine treatment as determined by our medical team once they are at the center, a refund will be issued for all monies paid beyond the deposit which is non-refundable in this case.
Kindly also note that it is not possible to proceed with treatment unless the full balance has been cleared by our bank, with the full balance due 48 hours after a patient’s arrival at the center. We advise you transfer the full amount soon after your arrival to avoid delays in treatment related to wire transfer clearance.
If you are calling on behalf of someone other than yourself and making arrangements for them, before we can reserve a placement in our program, our staff will need to speak directly with the individual who will be receiving the actual treatment. It is often the case that family or loved ones are unaware of the actual details a patient’s substance use. In other cases, people are taking various medications or supplements that can interfere with ibogaine, and it is very important that the patient understands how and why the use of these medications must be discontinued prior to arrival in Cancun and treatment with ibogaine.

Day by day

Day 1


We understand international travel can be stressful and tiring. We recommend that you arrive in a morning or early afternoon flight so you can rest and relax for the remainder of the day.

We also acknowledge that it may be impossible to interrupt substance use or addictive behavior before admission. The first days of the program serve as a stabilization and preparation phase for both your body and your mind in order to receive ibogaine treatment under optimal circumstances. Opioid-dependent patients will be switched to a short-acting opioid (i.e. morphine or tapentadol) in order to minimize withdrawal symptoms and allow for clearance of the problematic substance. Transcend’s healthcare professionals will monitor your clinical condition and adjust treatment interventions, including the use of medications for the management of pre existing conditions or withdrawal symptoms as well as IV fluids and nutrition as appropriate. 

Upon admission to our treatment facility you will be asked to check yourself in and sign consent forms for medical treatment and testing, as well as privacy and confidentiality agreements. You will be admitted by one of our physicians who will perform an assesment of your medical history and current condition, provide an overview of what you can expect in the following days, and answer any questions you may have.  

Patients must surrender their medications, passport, and cash to clinic staff, and your possessions will be kept in a locked safe. The reason for this is after dosing with ibogaine you will not be in a postion to make decisions that are meaningful and clearly thought out.  Clinic staff will search your belongings for drugs and dangerous items. This does not mean we assume anything about you in particular, but patient safety is our foremost concern. Concomitant use of illicit or prescription drugs and ibogaine can have potentially serious and even fatal consequences. This protocol aligns with most treatment centers and rehab facilities around the world and is non-negotiable. However, unlike many treatment centers, you are more than welcome to keep your phone, tablet, laptop, or other internet-capable electronic devices. 

Day 2+3+4

Stabilization and Preparation

One of the most important aspects of Transcend’s ibogaine treatment program, is the expert, medically supervised on-site management of the withdrawal symptoms from illicit substances or medications thay may have been discontinued prior to or upon arrival. This phase is experienced in a unique manner by every patient. Some factors that influence the clinical course of the first days include the substance(s) involved, the amount, route, dose and frequency of use; the ability to cut down or stop a few days before using; nutritional  and overall health status; and pre-arrival mindset and motivation. Given the current pattern of illicit substance availability and the emergence and prevalence of various adulterants, patients using recreational or non-prescription drugs will usually experience more prominent symptoms than patients abusing prescription pharmaceuticals. 

During the stabilization phase, patients also undergo a thorough, proprietary health assessment protocol to enable us to make informed decisions about your ibogaine treatment in a way that maximizes your outcome while keeping you safe. Although most of these tests  take place on-site, we have partnered with Amerimed Hospital, a Joint Commission International-accredited tertiary medical center for all off-site services including advanced cardiovascular testing. We will draw blood samples at various times during your stay to to identify and treat any relevant disturbances. You will also be evaluated by our in-house cardiologist who will perform an ultrasound of your heart as well as a formal cardiologic evaluation when all results are in. The final determination about proceeding with treatment and any relevant dose adjustments is made by you and our team of expert physicians.

In addition to medical testing, our on-site therapist and support staff will work with you to help establish your intentions, expectations, and post-treatment goals. We will also help you to create a solid foundation for your upcoming treatment and we will help make certain you are mentally, physically, and spiritually ready treatment day. 

Please note that although most patients have reached clinical and emotional stability that allows us to proceeed with treatment on day five of their stay, the final determination as to treatment day is made by our trained physicians and done so on a case by case basis. In the case of opioid-dependent patients, the last dose of short-acting opioid is given 8 hours before the flood dose. 

Additionally, throughout your stay, you will be able to enjoy activities such as yoga, stretching, poolside relaxation or exercises, and an afternoon massage. 

Day 5

Treatment Day

We will begin at 9:00 A.M. You will be in a comfortable bed when we start an I.V., connect you to a heart monitor, and give you Dramamine orally for potential nausea. We administer ibogaine HCl in the form of capsules on an empty stomach. The exact dose you receive is based on your weight and other relevant clinical factors.  

Approximately one hour after ingesting ibogaine, you may experience tingling in your body, a feeling of warmth, and humming or buzzing sounds. After this, visions will likely occur. While visions vary significantly from patient to patient, they are often intense, and they can bring back traumatic memories or events. Yet, visions are uniformly found to be very helpful by patients as they help them know, understand and accept themselves better. The visions usually last 3-5 hours. 

After the visions subside, you will enter the processing stage. This is a very introspective state where you can work around issues surrounding your substance or behavioral addiction. This state can last anywhere from 12 to 36 hours. Patients remain in the treatment room for 8 hours after ibogaine is administered. This means you will get to sleep in your own room that night. 

Some very common side effects from ibogaine, particularly in the first few days after the flood dose, include difficulty sleeping and low energy. These symptoms last for a few days and our team of professionals will intervene as appropriate to support you through this period.

Day 6

Integration and First Maintenance Dose*

After the flood dose, patients may receive up to a total of 4 maintenance doses (aka. “boosters”). 1-3 boosters are the norm, with less maintenance doses being sufficient to achieve clinical objectives in most non-opioid dependent patients. The determination of the total number of booster doses is made by Transcend’s medical team. 

No less than 24 hours after the flood dose, you may receive the first maintenance dose of ibogaine with the purpose of mitigating any residual withdrawal (particularly in opioid-dependent patients) and further promoting the neuroplasticity induced by the flood dose. This dose will not induce visions and you only need stay monitored for a couple of hours after the additional ibogaine dose.

Some patient’s EKG parameters show lasting effects from the flood dose or from previous boosters that make it inappropriate to give a booster on this or on subsequent day(s). This determination is made by Transcend’s medical team with all relevant clinical information in hand. 

You will have your first integration session with one of our expert psychotherapists who will help you draw the most from your experience and to find meaningful sense in it in line with your stated objectives.

*subject to medical approval

Day 7-9

Further Integration, Additional Ibogaine Doses*

Many of the conditions we treat, particularly substance abuse, result in a chemical unbalance in the patient’s brain, particularly with longer use and larger doses. The stabilization of many biologic processes, including brain chemistry after cessation of substance use can take a few days. Although the interruption of substance use with the help of ibogaine is characterized by a dramatic improvement or altogether elimination of withdrawal symptoms that could otherwise become very difficult to tolerate, discomfort, residual withdrawal and the side effects from ibogaine could make patients feel discouraged at some point during this phase. It is important to consider that ibogaine treatment is a process, not an event. Patients are often amazed by the renewed sense of improvement that each day after the flood dose brings and our staff will make sure our patient’s needs are addressed. 

You will have ample time for further integration work with our therapists and a consolidated plan for your aftercare will finally take shape. 

Day 10

Return Home

We will provide you with written discharge instructions including how to contact our doctors and therapists in case you need to communicate with them. We will also provide transportation to the Cancun airport. We advise patients to book return flights after noon so they can get a good night’s rest before their departure. 

Ibogaine produces immediate effects, but its long-lasting benefits stem from the neuroplasticity and neuroregeneration occurring in the 4-6 weeks following administration. Ongoing therapy as well as engaging in healthy, meaningful activities is crucial to maximize these positive effects of ibogaine 


Aftercare is an essential component of the ibogaine treatment process. Although it is different for every patient, it usually involves regular contact with an aftercare specialist for at least several months after ibogaine. 

Transcend’s approach to aftercare is sensitive to each patient’s unique process and maximizes our patients outcomes. 

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