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Can the career path you choose actually put you at higher risk for drug abuse, alcoholism, and addiction?  Interestingly, but in some ways not all that surprisingly, research points to yes.  Since we spend almost half of our waking hours at our jobs each week, its not unexpected that our jobs can have a giant effect on the people that we are, and the people that we become.  According to studies collected by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), there are measurably higher instances of drug and alcohol consumption by people employed in certain fields compared to others.

Why?  Well, certainly, some jobs are highly stressful, for starters, and that can result increased drug and alcohol use to help an individual cope, or “take the edge off”.   And, people in some positions – like hospitality or medicine – may be more exposed to, or have more access to, drugs and alcohol that people in other jobs.  But, even with that said, it is hard to determine causation; there is clear correlation between certain fields and increased drug use, but is it the field itself that causes the drug use, or is it something else?  While on one hand it may be the jobs that encourage addiction, on the other hand, it’s possible that people who are at higher risk of drug and alcohol abuse are simply attracted to working in certain fields.  In that case, it’s not the job that causes addiction, but instead the likelihood of drug or alcohol abuse is already present in the individual before they even took the job.   Either way, if you are someone who is in recovery from addiction, it may be important for you to know which professions have a higher frequency of addiction so you can be aware of the risk, or perhaps so you may choose a different career path altogether now that you are headed down the path to a new and healthier life.

Jobs with Higher Risk of Addiction

According to the research summarized by SAMHSA, which came from data collected between 2008 and 2012, the top five career fields that have the highest rates of drug abuse and addiction are, in order: 1) hospitality and food service, 2) construction and mining, 3) arts and entertainment, 4) business management, and 5) healthcare.  Brief contemplation on each of these fields results in the realization that a higher prevalence of drug and alcohol abuse in each of these seems logical.  All of these jobs can be highly stressful, have a party atmosphere surrounding them, or have some combination of these two factors.  Below, take a closer look at each of these professions, data regarding drug use for each, and the possible reasons for these increased numbers.

Staying Strong in the Workplace

Perhaps you are already working in one of these fields, and it would be difficult or impossible for you to leave.    If that is the case, do not fear – knowing is half the battle.  If you know that you work in a field that puts you at higher risk for substance abuse or relapse, you can plan accordingly to combat it.   When your co-workers invite you out for a few drinks after work, it’s perfectly okay to decline.  If someone at work offers you drugs, you do have the power and strength to say no, and you can always call your sponsor or go to a meeting if you feel tempted.  Many jobs and organizations have on-site or related counseling programs for their employees to ensure that work relationships remain healthy, and discussing your concerns with them or with your Human Resources department may also be supportive.  On the other hand though, if drugs and alcohol absolutely permeate your workplace, and you are trying to stay clean and sober, it may be time to consider a new job somewhere else.

At Transcend Clinic, we are here to offer you support and alternatives for your future.  We have a great deal of experience helping people from all walks of life and from all professions and backgrounds to overcome their addictions, and we can help you too.   Our ibogaine detox can help reset your life and put you on a clean and healthy path from this point forward with few if any cravings.  Ibogaine is a rapid method to beat addiction and you can be back to work quickly after spending a short time at our facility in Cancun, Mexico.  We are standing by to answer any questions you may have about the ways in which ibogaine can help you.  Please give us a call today.

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