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Klonopin, also referred to as clonazepam, is a benzodiazepine medication commonly used to treat anxiety and seizures. It is generally not intended for long-term use; however, Klonopin addiction and abuse sometimes occur. In these scenarios, an individual becomes physically and psychologically dependent on Klonopin. He or she may also experience Klonopin withdrawal.

What Is Klonopin Withdrawal?

Klonopin withdrawal occurs if a person suddenly stops taking Klonopin after prolonged use. There are many Klonopin withdrawal symptoms, such as:

Additionally, Klonopin sometimes causes slow or shallow breathing. In rare instances, Klonopin has also been linked to allergic reactions like rashes, itching, and swelling.

Klonopin side effects vary in terms of length and severity. If a person experiences any Klonopin withdrawal symptoms for an extended period of time, it is important to consult with a doctor. That way, this individual can work with a doctor to quickly and safely address his or her Klonopin withdrawal symptoms.

Using Klonopin in conjunction with other drugs usually increases the severity and duration of Klonopin withdrawal symptoms. People who consume multiple drugs at the same time put additional stress on the body. Depending on the drugs used in combination with Klonopin, the end result of simultaneously using various drugs could be fatal.

Klonopin Withdrawal Timeline

On average, it takes between 20 and 80 hours for Klonopin to leave the body. Initial Klonopin withdrawal symptoms start approximately four days after last use. At this point, a person may experience insomnia and anxiety, among other Klonopin withdrawal symptoms.

The severity of Klonopin withdrawal symptoms reach their peak about five days after last use. Meanwhile, these symptoms may persist up to two weeks.

Klonopin withdrawal may take longer for people dealing with severe anxiety. Comparatively, Klonopin withdrawal is typically shorter than the withdrawal timeline associated with Xanax and other short-acting benzodiazepines. Klonopin withdrawal symptoms are often less intense than withdrawal symptoms associated with short-acting benzodiazepines, too.

Klonopin Detox

A medical detox may be used to help an individual gradually reduce his or her Klonopin use. As a result, Klonopin detox can help a person reset his or her brain chemistry to its pre-addicted state.

Klonopin detox must be performed under medical supervision. By working with expert medical personnel, an individual can receive extensive support as he or she encounters Klonopin withdrawal symptoms. Medical professionals can also help an individual manage Klonopin withdrawal symptoms and develop a plan to permanently overcome his or her Klonopin addiction.

How to Get Off Klonopin Without Withdrawal

The body can metabolize Klonopin on its own. As such, the best way to alleviate Klonopin withdrawal symptoms sometimes involves letting the body detox, which ensures the withdrawal period will last only a few weeks.

For people dealing with severe Klonopin withdrawal, medications may be prescribed to treat withdrawal symptoms.

A doctor may prescribe acetaminophen or a selective serotonin reuptake to alleviate pain or depression associated with Klonopin withdrawal. Or, in certain instances, a doctor may prescribe anticonvulsant medications to treat rebound seizures related to Klonopin withdrawal.

Ibogaine therapy is quickly becoming a top choice to treat Klonopin withdrawal symptoms, too. With ibogaine therapy, people can minimize Klonopin withdrawal symptoms. Plus, ibogaine therapy helps individuals identify the root cause of a Klonopin addiction and achieve long-term addiction relief.

How Does Ibogaine Therapy for Klonopin Addiction Work?

Ibogaine is a naturally occurring psychoactive indole alkaloid sometimes often used in spiritual initiation ceremonies. Research indicates ibogaine helps reduce addiction and withdrawal symptoms in cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin, and opiate addicts. As people search for ways to treat Klonopin addiction with little to no withdrawal symptoms, ibogaine therapy may prove to be exceedingly valuable as well.

Ibogaine therapy has been shown to interrupt an addiction. It works quickly to help an individual return to a pre-addicted state. Ibogaine therapy is also designed to help people manage their addictive behaviors and limit the risk of a relapse.

During an ibogaine treatment, an individual enters an oneirophrenic (dreamlike) state. He or she then experiences scenes, dreams, and other visions as part of a one-of-a-kind treatment experience. At the same time, this individual’s drug withdrawal symptoms disappear within 30 to 45 minutes of ibogaine ingestion. This ensures an individual can use the visionary experience as a catalyst for change.

Ultimately, ibogaine therapy often proves to be a deeply healing experience for people dealing with Klonopin addiction. It helps reduce Klonopin cravings and withdrawal symptoms, as well as puts a person in position to beat his or her Klonopin addiction.

Is Ibogaine Therapy for Klonopin Addiction Effective?

Research indicates ibogaine therapy offers an effective addiction treatment for Klonopin and other drugs.

In one study, 30 patients who received ibogaine therapy for addiction did not suffer a relapse within two years of treatment. Furthermore, other studies have shown that ibogaine therapy helps reduce drug withdrawal and cravings.

The effectiveness of ibogaine therapy sometimes depends on the individual, too. If an individual undergoes ibogaine therapy without an aftercare plan in place, for instance, he or she risks relapse. And in this scenario, an individual is unlikely to have the skills and confidence to manage his or her addiction.

Choose Transcend Clinic for Ibogaine Therapy

Transcend Clinic offers a medically-based ibogaine treatment for Klonopin addiction. Our comprehensive ibogaine therapy program is tailored to a patient and ensures he or she can achieve the best-possible results.

At Transcend Clinic, we employ highly trained staff who work with a patient to understand his or her ibogaine therapy goals. We perform an in-depth patient evaluation and craft a personalized ibogaine therapy program. Next, we guide a patient through ibogaine therapy and offer assistance at each stage of his or her treatment program. When a patient finishes ibogaine therapy, he or she exits our treatment center with an aftercare plan in place as well.

An addiction to Klonopin or other drugs is sometimes difficult to overcome, but the Transcend Clinic team can help. To find out more our ibogaine therapy program, please contact us today at 760 621 6203.

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