Lunesta Withdrawal, Abuse and Addiction Treatment

Many people have never heard of the drug Lunesta, but some people know it all too well and find themselves struggling with dependency on it. This drug is prescribed to treat insomnia, and it has helped thousands of people to get the sleep that they need. However, it also has a very high potential for abuse, and people can easily find themselves addicted to it even after only a short period of use. Although Lunsesta is helpful for many, it is also dangerous for some. Read on to learn more about this drug, the signs and dangers of abuse and addiction, and how to break free from dependency on it.

What is Lunesta and How Does it Affect the Body?

Lunesta, often prescribed as a sleep aid for those wrestling with sleep disorders, has stirred up some debate regarding its addictiveness. While evidence leans towards it being highly addictive, it’s still frequently prescribed, sometimes a bit too liberally. Doctors often suggest using it nightly if needed, which, regrettably, can lead to quick dependence, exacerbating the very problems it’s meant to solve.

Signs and Symptoms of Lunesta Abuse

The signs of Lunesta abuse are often rather obvious and become apparent quickly. Someone who is abusing Lunesta will take the drug more often than needed and may begin taking higher doses. They may say that they plan to quit but continue to use, and they may isolate themselves from loved ones to hide the extent of their use. Dependence to Lunesta is mental as well as physical; people abusing Lunesta may believe that their quality of life will decline if they stop using Lunesta to sleep. They may advance to using the drug to get high, and they may find themselves craving it when it isn’t available.

All of the above behaviors and symptoms, which are not uncommon, demonstrate that Lunesta can be addictive for some users. Despite the suggestion that this drug is save to use on an ongoing basis, it seems clear that that’s not the case.

Short-Term Effects of Lunesta Use

There are a number of fairly common side effects that come with Lunesta use. For people battling sleep difficulties, most may be possible to overlook, as Lunesta is finally getting them the sleep that they need. Still, Lunesta side effects can be uncomfortable even if the patient is using the drug occasionally and safely. People taking Lunesta may experience daytime drowsiness, headaches, bad taste in the mouth, and a stuffy nose. They may also sneeze and struggle with a sore throat. All of these symptoms are cold-like, and aren’t something most people want to experience all the time. But, if someone becomes addicted to Lunesta, they are things that they may get used to or overlook.

Long-Term Effects of Lunesta Addiction

The long-term effects of Lunesta addiction are more severe. In the social realm, people using Lunesta on a regular basis may cut ties with their loved ones in order to use the drug more frequently. They also may have trouble at work or may even lose their jobs; other responsibilities may fall by the wayside as well.

From a physical standpoint, the long-term effects of Lunesta addiction are quite dangerous. Extreme drowsiness may put the individual or others’ safety in danger if the user is driving a car. In some cases, users may pass out abruptly and without warning. These things can lead to difficulty breathing, which can cause all sorts of other health problems. In extreme cases, people abusing Lunesta have ended up in comas due to ongoing use and addiction. Of course, the likelihood of these effects increases immensely when Lunesta is combined with other drugs or alcohol. Mixing Lunesta with other substances is extremely dangerous.

Withdrawal from Lunesta Abuse

It’s possible to break free from addiction to Lunesta, however. Addiction is never a lost cause. People who stop using Lunesta may experience some withdrawal symptoms, so medical intervention may be necessary.

The length of an individual’s withdrawal period will vary based on a number of factors, including how long they took Lunesta, how much and how often they took it, and whether or not they mixed it with drugs and alcohol. Symptoms associated with Lunesta withdrawal include a variety of different things, including anxiety, irritability, muscle spasms, nausea and vomiting, depression, stomach cramps, panic attacks, and abnormal dreams. These symptoms can be hard to deal with. However, after a period of withdrawal, recovery only becomes easier, and it’s worth the challenge to break free.

Managing Withdrawal Symptoms from Lunesta Use

Withdrawal from Lunesta can be a real challenge, you know? A lot of folks find themselves in a tougher spot than before they even started taking it. Imagine, you stop the sleep aid, and bam, the insomnia hits back with a vengeance. We’re talking worse than before, leading to a whole mess of anxiety and panic attacks. It’s a tricky cycle, which is why going it alone isn’t the best move. Teaming up with doctors and counselors that’s the way to go.

When Is It Time to Get Help for a Lunesta Addiction?

If you think that you need help to get off Lunesta, you’re probably right. If you searched and found this article because you’re worried about being addicted to Lunesta, you should get some help. Anyone who wishes to quit but can’t or feels cravings for Lunesta when it’s not available likely is already struggling with dependency to Lunesta. It’s time to seek help.

Lunesta Addiction Treatment

At Transcend Clinic Ibogaine, we can help you with an addiction to Lunesta. Our innovative ibogaine treatment will help you to break free from a cycle of abuse, and it will help you get to the root of your addiction. Furthermore, in most cases, it also helps decrease withdrawal symptoms. Our experienced staff is standing by to answer any questions that you may have about ibogaine, our program, or our facility in Cancun, Mexico. Please give us a call today. We’re here to help.


What are the worst side effects of Lunesta?

Lunesta can have several worst side effects, including complex sleep behaviors, memory problems, unusual thoughts or behavior, worsening depression, hallucinations, and anxiety.

How long does it take Lunesta to make you sleepy?

Lunesta typically starts working within 20 to 30 minutes, making most people feel sleepy.

How long does Lunesta stay in your system?

Lunesta (eszopiclone) typically has a half-life of about 6 hours. However, it can take 24 to 48 hours for Lunesta to be completely cleared from your system.

How long can you take Lunesta?

Lunesta is typically prescribed for short-term use, usually for a period not longer than 2 to 4 weeks.

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