The Ultimate Guide to the Negative Effects of Drugs and Alcohol

  Are you aware of all the negative effects that using drugs and alcohol has on your body, mind, and life? Here is a breakdown of those negative effects: Generic Negative Physical Effects (these come with many kinds of drug or alcohol abuse) Cardiovascular disease Cognitive impairment Cold sweats Convulsions Dependence Dilated pupils Dry mouth […]

Living With a Recovering Addict: Avoiding Triggers

Living with a recovering addict isn’t easy. There are challenges for people in this situation that no one thinks about until they are there, experiencing it for themselves. Unfortunately, because you’re not in the shoes of the person in recovery, even the best intentions can’t help you navigate the situation without mistakes. That’s partly because […]

How Employers Can Improve the Workplace for a Recovering Addict

Hear us out for a moment: there are many ways employers can improve the workplace for a recovering addict—and many reasons that it’s worth doing. Substance abuse and addiction can cost any workplace a lot. Employees who use illicit drugs, drink heavily, or abuses prescription medications are more likely to make mistakes or be injured […]

What You Can Do to Help Someone in Recovery

Being close to someone with an addiction can be one of life’s most difficult emotional challenges. You know intuitively that you are important to them and their recovery, yet you feel powerless to help. You want to do everything you can, but you don’t want to make the wrong moves—and you have to take care […]

Celebrities Who Struggled with Addiction—and Won

The idea that celebrities live perfect lives is a popular one until you think about the great equalizer that addiction really is. Although it’s true that a celebrity might not end up homeless or in jail as quickly as an “ordinary” addict, even world-famous drug users know the feeling of being totally powerless against their […]

Earth Day Activities that Can Help Your Recovery

This year on April 22, the world will celebrate Earth Day for the 49th time. When you think about it, Earth Day is the perfect celebration for people in recovery. It’s all about making a fresh start and transforming something that was problematic into something that’s positive. Earth Day celebrates our ability as humans and […]

Recovering Together: Tips for Recovering Couples

In some ways, recovering as a couple simplifies things. There are many issues you don’t need to explain, and you might feel less worried about being judged or left behind. On the other hand, though, recovering together as a couple is itself a very complex process—one that isn’t easy. Here are some tips for recovering […]

Is Addiction Genetic?

The question of what causes addiction and how to cure it has lead to a persistent and troubling question: is addiction genetic? Answering this question impacts how we treat addiction for medical reasons, but it is also laden with cultural and emotional baggage—the language of guilt and personal responsibility. Here is the answer to the […]

Is Ibogaine Treatment a Scam?

Ibogaine treatment is another silver bullet way to interrupt the addiction cycle in the brain—just long enough for a comprehensive treatment plan to be put in place and followed. It, therefore, allows an addict to escape the immediate throes of withdrawal, and the pain and suffering that accompanies the process, and instead stay committed to […]

The Best Advice Recovering Addicts Received While Battling Their Addiction.

Going through an addiction and its recovery process is truly an individual experience. However, there are fewer things that are more helpful to the morale than hearing the advice that other recovering/recovered addicts received when they were in the same place that you find yourself in today. What were the words of wisdom that helped […]

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