Ibogaine Treatment and Early Recovery

Ibogaine Treatment and Early Recovery Although we entered the 21st century a while ago, most conventional wisdom in addiction treatment still categorizes drug dependence as a chronic, progressive, irreversible, relapsing disease, which cannot be cured and at best the person suffering from this condition can experience periods of stability where a locus of control is […]

Mindfulness and Self-Acceptance

Mindfulness and Self-Acceptance Drug-dependent individuals are often self-medicating co-occurring disorders and unresolved traumatic events from their past which have not been processed and integrated; in many cases they’re so deeply buried that you have no conscious daily awareness of them at all. Comorbid medical disorders present their own spectrum of issues which must addressed, often […]

Finding Paradigms in Recovery that Work For You

Finding Paradigms in Recovery that Work For You There’s a gradual and inexorable shift in addiction treatment which embraces more possibilities and treatment paradigms beyond our present disease model of addiction and utilizing 12-step groups as a means to somehow slow and stabilize the progression of what’s been termed a “chronic, progressive, and incurable disease.” […]

Dealing with Cravings after Ibogaine Treatment

Dealing with Cravings after Ibogaine Treatment After a successful ibogaine detoxification most people feel pretty good, and that can be an understatement; a more accurate characterization would be ecstatic, exhilarated to finally be free of an addiction that’s kept them in its thrall for years or decades, and happy to be alive. Everything seems possible, […]

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