Surviving the Holidays

Surviving the Holidays Under the best conditions, the holiday season can be a difficult time for even the most stable, healthy, and psychologically well-adjusted human beings. It’s an entire span of time filled with additional responsibilities which often entail meeting the expectations of other people who may have a very different relationship with Christmas and […]

Finding Paradigms in Recovery that Work For You

Finding Paradigms in Recovery that Work For You There’s a gradual and inexorable shift in addiction treatment which embraces more possibilities and treatment paradigms beyond our present disease model of addiction and utilizing 12-step groups as a means to somehow slow and stabilize the progression of what’s been termed a “chronic, progressive, and incurable disease.” […]

Ibogaine Research & Psychedelic Therapy

Ibogaine Research & Psychedelic Therapy The resurgence of scientific investigation of entheogenic substances is very exciting and shows tremendous promise for helping people heal their addictions and afflictions, but there’s no lack of pre-existing data. During the 50s to early 70s there was a wide of spectrum of research happening with psychedelics. There is data […]

Staying Clean after Ibogaine Treatment

Staying Clean after Ibogaine Treatment Going through an ibogaine treatment experience is often a pivotal event in a drug-dependent person’s life. What may have seemed unattainable and impossible a few days ago, is suddenly your newfound reality; your drug tolerance has been reset, you’ve experienced whatever visions ibogaine had in store for you, you’ve made […]

Breaking Through Denial

Breaking Through Denial Denial and Drug Dependence As it pertains to addiction, denial is often used to describe the state that people are in who obviously have a substance abuse problem so far as anybody else in their lives is concerned, but still refuse to accept the possibility that they may no longer be in […]

Ibogaine Treatment Preparation and AfterCare

Ibogaine Treatment Preparation Having made the decision to obtain ibogaine treatment for your drug dependence issue is a huge step. Many of our patients fall into the category of being considered “chronic relapsers” who have not had success utilizing more conventional and mainstream drug treatment programs. Making the commitment to trying an ibogaine treatment program […]

Ibogaine Treatment and Hormonal Replacement Therapy

Most people who are living in a state of active addiction tend to let everything else in their lives go by the wayside. Bit by bit, everything else except their state of active addiction becomes de-prioritized. By the time a drug-dependent individual has entered an ibogaine detox program, it’s usually the last-chance, tail-end of years […]

Group Support after Ibogaine Treatment

Group Support after Ibogaine Treatment Ibogaine treatment is an extremely significant and life changing event for most people whose journey to recovery has brought them to ibogaine. While ibogaine is very consistent in terms of providing an effective detoxification from most drugs, and provides an extended window of opportunity wherein ibogaine’s metabolite noribogaine is present […]

The Difference between Helping and Enabling

Helping or Harming? There’s a near-endless list of items that drug dependent individuals should be able to handle on their own. These are life situations and problems that most people learn to deal with at a relatively early age. It’s usually part of the normal process of growing up and gaining some level of maturity. […]

Ibogaine Treatment for Dual Diagnosis

Ibogaine Treatment & Dual Diagnosis Dual diagnosis is a term for patients who are both drug dependent and dealing with a co-occurring mental disorder. Dual diagnosis is a very broad category that encompasses a wide spectrum of comorbid conditions spanning the range from relatively mild depression, to severe bipolar disorder or PTSD. Research shows that […]

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