The Ibogaine Experience

The Ibogaine Experience History of Ibogaine Use in the Western World Ibogaine was a little-known molecule within North America, with very minimal research into its medical applications occurring during the 1950s. Between 1955-1957 the CIBA pharmaceutical company briefly investigated ibogaine as an anti-hypertensive agent, and made some discoveries about its interesting “side effects” with regards […]

Ibogaine Research & Psychedelic Therapy

Ibogaine Research & Psychedelic Therapy The resurgence of scientific investigation of entheogenic substances is very exciting and shows tremendous promise for helping people heal their addictions and afflictions, but there’s no lack of pre-existing data. During the 50s to early 70s there was a wide of spectrum of research happening with psychedelics. There is data […]

Ibogaine Treatment Preparation and AfterCare

Ibogaine Treatment Preparation Having made the decision to obtain ibogaine treatment for your drug dependence issue is a huge step. Many of our patients fall into the category of being considered “chronic relapsers” who have not had success utilizing more conventional and mainstream drug treatment programs. Making the commitment to trying an ibogaine treatment program […]

Common Pitfalls to Avoid after Ibogaine Treatment

Ibogaine treatment is exceptionally effective at giving people who may have failed at more conventional detox methods, the opportunity to regain a locus of control and interrupt their addiction. After ibogaine treatment your physical addiction will be reset and you’ll have a window of opportunity to establish the patterns of a new, drug-free existence. After […]

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