Ibogaine Treatment for Prescription Pills

Ibogaine Treatment for Prescription Pills Ibogaine treatment provides a remarkably effective detoxification from numerous street drugs such as heroin, methamphetamine, and crack cocaine. Ibogaine is often used as a “last-chance” treatment by individuals who have experienced repeated failure in their attempt to get off drugs they’re addicted to, by utilizing more conventional drug treatment methodologies. […]

Ibogaine Treatment and Hormonal Replacement Therapy

Most people who are living in a state of active addiction tend to let everything else in their lives go by the wayside. Bit by bit, everything else except their state of active addiction becomes de-prioritized. By the time a drug-dependent individual has entered an ibogaine detox program, it’s usually the last-chance, tail-end of years […]

Ibogaine Treatment for Dual Diagnosis

Ibogaine Treatment & Dual Diagnosis Dual diagnosis is a term for patients who are both drug dependent and dealing with a co-occurring mental disorder. Dual diagnosis is a very broad category that encompasses a wide spectrum of comorbid conditions spanning the range from relatively mild depression, to severe bipolar disorder or PTSD. Research shows that […]

Ibogaine Treatment for Veterans

It is impossible to understand addiction without asking what relief the addict finds, or hopes to find, in the drug or the addictive behavior. ― Gabor Maté, In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts Whatever your opinions may be regarding America’s foreign policy, it’s difficult to find any disagreement that the men and women of our […]

Opioid Addiction Statistics: The Opioid Epidemic in America

The current opioid addiction epidemic has been termed the worst drug crisis in American history by a near-endless number of news outlets. Current death-rates from opioid overdoses are killing more people per annum than AIDS did during the height of the HIV/AIDS crisis during the 1990s. Opioid addiction is a major problem for people across […]

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