Top 10 Most Addictive Painkillers and Their Risks

Painkillers are sometimes used to treat debilitating pain or stress. These drugs simultaneously help the body’s nervous system block pain and stimulate portions of the brain that create pleasure. As such, painkillers can be highly addictive. Opioids are the most powerful painkillers. These drugs may be prescribed to treat chronic pain, but they are usually […]

Ibogaine Treatment and Early Recovery

Ibogaine Treatment and Early Recovery Although we entered the 21st century a while ago, most conventional wisdom in addiction treatment still categorizes drug dependence as a chronic, progressive, irreversible, relapsing disease, which cannot be cured and at best the person suffering from this condition can experience periods of stability where a locus of control is […]

Finding Your Path with Ibogaine Treatment

Finding Your Path with Ibogaine Treatment Ibogaine treatment is rarely utilized by drug dependent individuals, until they have attempted to detox and stay “clean” using a wide spectrum of more mainstream and conventional addiction treatment modalities. Most people with a drug problem do not wake up one day and decide that it’d be a neat […]

Ibogaine, Isolation and Addiction

Ibogaine, Isolation and Addiction Addiction and isolation are two states which are often inter-related and simultaneously present in individuals seeking treatment for drug dependence. People who are addicted to drugs usually keep their habits to themselves, especially after the initial period of experimentation is over, and you’ve become a daily user of a given substance. […]

Breaking Through Denial

Breaking Through Denial Denial and Drug Dependence As it pertains to addiction, denial is often used to describe the state that people are in who obviously have a substance abuse problem so far as anybody else in their lives is concerned, but still refuse to accept the possibility that they may no longer be in […]

Ibogaine Treatment for Prescription Pills

Ibogaine Treatment for Prescription Pills Ibogaine treatment provides a remarkably effective detoxification from numerous street drugs such as heroin, methamphetamine, and crack cocaine. Ibogaine is often used as a “last-chance” treatment by individuals who have experienced repeated failure in their attempt to get off drugs they’re addicted to, by utilizing more conventional drug treatment methodologies. […]

Ibogaine Treatment for Veterans

It is impossible to understand addiction without asking what relief the addict finds, or hopes to find, in the drug or the addictive behavior. ― Gabor Maté, In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts Whatever your opinions may be regarding America’s foreign policy, it’s difficult to find any disagreement that the men and women of our […]

Opioid Addiction Statistics: The Opioid Epidemic in America

The current opioid addiction epidemic has been termed the worst drug crisis in American history by a near-endless number of news outlets. Current death-rates from opioid overdoses are killing more people per annum than AIDS did during the height of the HIV/AIDS crisis during the 1990s. Opioid addiction is a major problem for people across […]

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