Oxycodone vs. OxyContin: What is the Difference?

By now, most people in the United States and even around the world are aware of the opioid epidemic in America. Over the past few decades, many thousands of people have developed dependencies on opioids; many thousands have died as a result. Although our country is working hard to get this epidemic under control, many […]

GHB Drug Abuse, Addiction, and Withdrawals

Many people have not even heard of the drug GHB. Others use it daily. Although some people associate this drug with date rape, it has some positive medical applications, and it is also used as voluntarily as a recreational drug. Unfortunately, some of the people who begin using GHB for fun soon find that they […]

Heroin Addiction: Symptoms and How to Help

Heroin addiction is a serious issue and one that can be incredibly difficult to overcome. Recent studies found that the number of people who admitted to using heroin doubled in less than 10 years, making it one of the most rapidly growing addictions in the United States. Trying to identify the symptoms of someone on […]

How Long Does Suboxone Stay in Your System

Suboxone addiction sometimes causes bloating, hypersensitivity to pain, muscle rigidity, and other immediate and long-lasting health issues. Fortunately, if you know how long does suboxone stay in your system and how you can minimize the drug’s impact on your body. What Is Suboxone? Suboxone is a prescription medication that consists of buprenorphine and naloxone. Buprenorphine […]

The Ultimate Guide to the Negative Effects of Drugs and Alcohol

  Are you aware of all the negative effects that using drugs and alcohol has on your body, mind, and life? Here is a breakdown of those negative effects: Generic Negative Physical Effects (these come with many kinds of drug or alcohol abuse) Cardiovascular disease Cognitive impairment Cold sweats Convulsions Dependence Dilated pupils Dry mouth […]

Living With a Recovering Addict: Avoiding Triggers

Living with a recovering addict isn’t easy. There are challenges for people in this situation that no one thinks about until they are there, experiencing it for themselves. Unfortunately, because you’re not in the shoes of the person in recovery, even the best intentions can’t help you navigate the situation without mistakes. That’s partly because […]

The Ibogaine Experience

The Ibogaine Experience History of Ibogaine Use in the Western World Ibogaine was a little-known molecule within North America, with very minimal research into its medical applications occurring during the 1950s. Between 1955-1957 the CIBA pharmaceutical company briefly investigated ibogaine as an anti-hypertensive agent, and made some discoveries about its interesting “side effects” with regards […]

Ibogaine Treatment Preparation and AfterCare

Ibogaine Treatment Preparation Having made the decision to obtain ibogaine treatment for your drug dependence issue is a huge step. Many of our patients fall into the category of being considered “chronic relapsers” who have not had success utilizing more conventional and mainstream drug treatment programs. Making the commitment to trying an ibogaine treatment program […]

Ibogaine Treatment for Prescription Pills

Ibogaine Treatment for Prescription Pills Ibogaine treatment provides a remarkably effective detoxification from numerous street drugs such as heroin, methamphetamine, and crack cocaine. Ibogaine is often used as a “last-chance” treatment by individuals who have experienced repeated failure in their attempt to get off drugs they’re addicted to, by utilizing more conventional drug treatment methodologies. […]

Ibogaine Treatment and Hormonal Replacement Therapy

Most people who are living in a state of active addiction tend to let everything else in their lives go by the wayside. Bit by bit, everything else except their state of active addiction becomes de-prioritized. By the time a drug-dependent individual has entered an ibogaine detox program, it’s usually the last-chance, tail-end of years […]

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