How Long Does Suboxone Stay in Your System
Suboxone has saved countless lives. This medication, which is a combination of naloxone and buprenorphine, helps people who have struggled with addiction to opioids to break free from their addictions. The combined effect of these two drugs makes withdrawals manageable, decreases cravings, and negates the effects of opioids in the body, thereby making them useless […]
Long-Term Effects Of Suboxone Use
Many people seeking to break free from an addiction to opiates or opioids turn to Suboxone to help them on their recovery journey. This medication has helped many to succeed in this realm and keeps many people on a straight and narrow path to health and freedom for the rest of their lives. However, as […]
Alternative Treatment for Drug Addiction
Many people struggle with addiction. Many wish to break free from their addictions and dependencies but wonder how to do so. Most people are familiar with the concept of drug and alcohol rehabilitation. Unfortunately, many people think that the only way to get addiction treatment is to enroll in a residential treatment program of 28 […]
How to Create a Substance Abuse Treatment Plan
One of the most important goals that anyone can make in their entire life is the goal to break free from dependency or addiction to drugs or alcohol. Anyone who has struggled with addiction knows that breaking free from dependency on substances is not only crucial to improve one’s life, but that it may actually […]
Alternatives to Rehab for Addiction Treatment
According to statistics from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 48.7 million Americans aged 12 and over had a substance use disorder in the past year as of 2022. When you consider the fact that the population of our nation is around 334 million people, that number is staggering. It’s often hard […]
How Much Does Ibogaine Treatment Cost?
Ibogaine treatment is taking the addiction recovery world by storm. More and more people are learning that this innovative, natural treatment can be life-changing and effective. Some who felt that they had already tried everything to break free from drug and alcohol dependency and addiction are finding success with ibogaine, and are now walking on […]
Medications (that compete with Ibogaine)
It’s very important to let us know a complete list of medications you are taking (prescriptions, over-the-counter, and supplements), prior to receiving ibogaine treatment at Transcend Clinic. Ibogaine goes through first-pass liver metabolism and gets converted to its’ primary metabolite via O-demethylation at the 12-position to yield 12-hydroxyibogamine (noribogaine). Metabolism of ibogaine occurs primarily via two — […]
Iboga Plant Most people who have heard of ibogaine and iboga treatment for addiction are aware that it comes from a plant from Africa, and that its original use is a part of the spiritual practice of people of somewhere on that continent. However, to truly understand ibogaine, the plants it comes from – plants […]
Ibogaine hydrochloride (HCl)
As of 2016 there are many different forms of ibogaine available, spanning the gamut from whole root powder, which contains extremely minute amounts of ibogaine, and has very little effect when used with the intention of mitigating opioid withdrawal symptoms; to highly-purified, 99.7% pure ibogaine hydrochloride (HCl), at the other end of the spectrum.At Transcend […]
Noribogaine – Ibogaine’s Metabolite
What is Noribogaine? During the 1990s when Dr. Deborah Mash from the University of Miami’s, Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine (UMMSM), was performing the first pharmacokinetic and drug metabolism testing of ibogaine, one of the questions that needed to be answered was how could a single dose of ibogaine completely reset a drug-dependent patient’s tolerance, and […]