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Methadone Addiction and Withdrawal

 Methadone Addiction Methadone is a synthetic, long-acting opioid painkiller. It is usually prescribed to people who are already addicted to other opiates, such as heroin, or prescription drugs like Percocet or Oxycontin. When it is used as directed, methadone can effectively replace other opiates. However, it is itself still an opiate and is, therefore, highly […]

How Long Does Vicodin Stay in Your System?

Vicodin is a drug that is often prescribed to treat moderate to severe pain. This medication is created by combining an opioid pain reliever (hydrocodone) with a non-opioid pain reliever (acetaminophen).  Because of the opioid component of this drug, Vicodin is often abused and there is a high risk that dependency on it will develop […]

Gifts for Someone in Recovery from Addiction

The season of giving gifts is coming! This time of year is an exciting one for givers and receivers alike. It’s often just as fun to shop for gifts as it is to give (or receive) them. During the holiday season, people everywhere spend hours, days, or even weeks carefully considering and selecting the perfect […]

Yoga for Recovery: Benefits, Types and Free Classes

Yoga for Recovery Yoga is for EVERYBODY.  Yes, everybody – even you!  Gone are the days of this incredible, centuries-old mind and body enhancer existing only for latte-toting college girls in tight, stretchy pants, or flexible, New Age guys with odd, hippie-sounding names, or inspiring, Indian ascetics dedicated to a life of 24/7 practice and […]

Prozac and Alcohol: Side Effects and Dangers of Mixing

Serious mental health conditions may require medication as part of the course of treatment. One of the most well-known of these medications is Prozac®, which is the popular brand of the generic drug fluoxetine. While there are other brands of fluoxetine on the market, such as Rapiflux® and Sarafem®, Prozac® is typically prescribed for people […]

Crack vs Cocaine: What’s the difference

Cocaine and crack are drug terms that may be used interchangeably, but there are many notable differences between the two substances. Now, let’s take a look at cocaine and crack, how each drug works, and how to treat both cocaine and crack addictions. What Is Cocaine?  Cocaine is a highly addictive stimulant that is classified […]

Addiction vs. Dependence: What is the Difference in Drug Abuse?

When talking about drug and alcohol problems, most people use the terms “addiction” and “co-dependency” interchangeably, but they are actually two different things. Often these two different problems do go hand in hand and are both present in a person, but other times they can manifest independently of each other. Knowing the differences between these […]

How to Repair Your Brain After Drug Use

If you or someone you love has abused or even have just occasionally used drugs, you may be wondering how one might go about repairing his or her brain afterward. It’s certainly no surprise to anyone that drugs are harmful to the brain, and brain damage will occur after prolonged use of any drug. Sometimes […]

Bath Salts Drug: Effects, Abuse and Health Dangers

You may have heard about the drug bath salts before, but you may not know much about this substance. Or, you may know a lot about the bath salts drug, either from personal experience or due to the fact that a loved one is a bath salts drug user. Either way, you probably don’t know […]

What is a Transfer Addiction?

Many people tend to believe that if someone has managed to recognize that they had a problem, sought help for their addiction, found the help they needed, and managed to stick to the path of recovery for that addiction for a while, they are in the clear.   Sure, many people experience minor relapses, but if […]

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